Blue Phoenix vs Darkness Bearer

Liu Qian and Li Yue'er ascended the arena, drawing a crowd that edged closer to witness the impending fight.

Liu Qian's eyes were razor-sharp, freezing Li Yue'er with icy glare.

Li Yue'er, on the other hand, felt a surge of awkward and discomfort under Liu Qian's piercing stare, her every move scrutinized.

"Prepare yourselves!" commanded Xiao Zhu, his voice cutting through the tense atmosphere.

With those words, Liu Qian and Li Yue'er assumed battle stances. Despite lacking cultivation prowess, the atmosphere crackled with the intensity of their determination.

Both women harbored a ferocious desire for victory. For Liu Qian, it was a chance to teach Li Yue'er a harsh lesson after catching her in a repulsive act. Meanwhile, Li Yue'er was driven by the need to uphold her dignity and win at any cost.

"Get ready... Begin!" Xiao Zhu declared.