The New Lord of Death

Outside the castle, the world dissolved into an abyss of darkness, consuming everything in its path—from lifeless trees to stones and water.

At specific locations, portals shaped like doors appeared, unveiling a 10-meter tall man who emerged from one and ventured into this world, swiftly making his way toward a distant, colossal castle.

After a while, he finally stepped inside the castle, driven by a singular purpose: to find Long Tian.

He hurried from room to room, navigating as if he had the layout memorized.

Eventually, he stood before a silver-colored wall radiating a mysterious aura.

He advanced, effortlessly phasing through the wall like a ghost and entering a pitch-black room completely devoid of light.

Yet, thanks to his unique ability, he could discern his surroundings clearly.

His gaze fixed upon Long Tian, unconscious in his horrifying state.