Elders, Artifacts, and Unexpected Tasks

Long Tian, Ling Han, and Li Yue'er stepped into the sect's premises. With no urgency, they leisurely strolled, taking in the essence of the sect. Close to the grand entrance, a charming courtyard adorned the landscape.

Further ahead, a plethora of wooden structures and ancient edifices, each bearing the weight of millennia, painted a historical tableau.

While traversing the sect's expanse, Li Yue'er couldn't contain her sense of wonder, stepping into the sect's atmosphere for the first time. It perfectly matched her expectations, devoid of modernity, resonating with the classic drama vibes she often indulged in.

In the distance, a wooden palace exuded ancient grandeur, seemingly perched above the clouds. However, their focus didn't linger on the palace but on the surroundings—mountains adorned with various structures, an expanding area housing numerous ancient buildings. Disciples of the sect wandered or engaged in training in the fields.