The Dragon Assault

Long Tian stood frozen, his gaze fixed on the ruins of the Liu family's residence. Thick black smoke billowed into the sky, mingling with the drizzling rain, casting an ominous atmosphere over the scene.

Surveying the devastation around him, he observed other houses reduced to rubble, adding to the grim tableau.

"Where are you, Qian'er?" Long Tian muttered, his brow furrowing with concern.

He proceeded cautiously towards the remnants of the house, once a grand structure now reduced to debris. Among the wreckage, he spotted remnants of plants and vials of potion samples, remnants of Liu Hai's laboratory, now destroyed.

Anxiety crept into Long Tian's expression. "I hope you're all safe, Mr. Liu, Mrs. Alexia," he murmured under his breath.

After a moment of silence, he squared his shoulders, preparing to depart.

"Hey you!" a sudden shout pierced the air, causing Long Tian to freeze in his tracks.