A Member of the Holy Knight - Entering the Portal!

At the portal's site, the lingering smoke slowly dissipated, leaving behind smoldering embers on the ground, where a colossal stone lay, forming a deep crater.

Not a single soul beast remained, not even scattered bones or limbs, indicating their demise, with only the undisturbed blue portal standing unaffected.

The cultivators who had fled earlier were now returning to the meteor crash site. Such immense power was evidently not a mere coincidence, fueling their intense curiosity.

The portal's location was quite distant from the residents' abodes, nestled within a golf course bordering the forest, yet still within Tianzhou city's confines.

More and more people streamed in from different locations to witness the aftermath of the fallen meteor, gathering around the colossal stone, the meteor itself.

Surprise and awe painted their faces as they realized all the soul beasts had perished.