Chapter 24: The Boundless Cosmos

Chapter 24: The Boundless Cosmos

In the infinite expanse of space, a breathtaking tapestry of wonders unfolded. Darkness and light intertwined in an eternal dance, casting a mesmerizing spectacle. Countless stars adorned the cosmic stage, their radiant flickers akin to celestial beacons. Galaxies stretched across unimaginable distances, their graceful arms entwined in a cosmic embrace. Nebulas bloomed with vibrant hues, painting the void with ethereal splendor. Whispers of solar winds carried untold secrets. Amidst this celestial symphony, a white light pierced through the starry sea with terrifying velocity. This luminous trail belonged to Inarius, who had departed Earth, unknown to the duration of his cosmic journey. Despite being nowhere near the closest planet he had Hope, after flying for another two days a colossal planet finally came into view, this gigantic planet six time the size of Earth.

Shielded by the power-cosmic, Inarius remained unaffected by the tempestuous energies that engulfed the outer reaches. Communicating with Aurora, his mind's companion, he pondered, "How long have we been traveling for aurora ?" Uncertainty loomed, for he lacked any means to measure the passage of time.

[...We have journeyed for 2 Earth months, Inarius...], resonated Aurora's voice within his mind. Two months had elapsed since they left their home World. Inarius, devoid of thorough contemplation upon leaving Earth, now found himself adrift in space, nearing his limits. However, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon—a planet gradually materializing in the vastness. From a distance, this celestial body resembled a crimson gem, dwarfing Earth sixfold. Two moons, each matching Earth's size, orbited the planet, their graceful dance revolving around a crimson dwarf star.

Inarius steadily approached the planet, eventually halting within its orbit. "Aurora, what can you tell me about this plannet," he inquired, his desire to explore piqued by encountering his first planet on this extraordinary voyage.

[...According to Earth's database, this planet orbits a crimson dwarf star. Consequently, its surface conditions are influenced by various factors. Red dwarf stars, smaller, cooler, and dimmer than our Sun, bestow unique characteristics upon planets within their habitable zones, where liquid water could potentially exist...], Aurora explained, shedding light upon crucial details such as temperature, orbit, and illumination.

[...I suggest delving deeper for further analysis...], Aurora advised, urging Inarius to seize this opportunity.

Without hesitation, Inarius plunged into the planet's atmosphere, navigating through its uncharted terrain. After several minutes, he descended gently, setting foot upon its surface. "Aurora, did you sense that?" The moment he made contact with the planet, an unsettling sensation permeated his being. Instinctual warnings echoed within, foretelling lurking danger.

[...I share your sensations, Inarius...], Aurora affirmed. Their connection transcended mere consciousness; they existed as two facets of the same entity. Every sensation experienced by Inarius reverberated within Aurora's essence.

Something about this planet felt unsettling—an intangible disquietude that eluded explanation. [Activate your 'Eyes of Infinity' for a priority scan], Aurora suggested, referring to the unique vision Inarius possessed.

Clearly taken aback by the name, still he Said nothing, especially since he quit like the term, appreciating Aurora's liberty in naming his extraordinary ocula ability. With a simple command, his red blindfold dissipated, unveiling his eyes adorned with three radiant rings. These enigmatic eyes emanated a mysterious glow, while the other colors faded into obscurity. The green circle emitted an alluring luminescence. However, the excruciating pain accompanying this unveiling remained, intensifying as Inarius focused his vision upon the planet's surface. Through his enhanced perception, he saw the world as if peering through a transparent glass. To his dismay, he beheld a harrowing sight—black tendrils resembling tree roots snaked across the planet, draining its life force. One such inky tendril sprouted from the ground, piercing his legs. Immediately, something shocking began to unfold.