50. Confrontation.

She didn't care to chastise Lucius because even though he seemed a little confident she didn't believe he had the courage to look too long.

Besides, even if he did, her fiancé was here and she was confident that if he didn't correct himself he would definitely make sure Lucius had a 'good time'

Just as Veronica had expected, Lucius's gaze only lingered on her for a short while before he moved on

But even if it wasn't long, Xander had also noticed Lucius's lingering gaze and was rightfully annoyed.

By this point, Xander couldn't maintain his indifferent facade not anymore no matter how hard he tried.

Not caring about any rules or etiquette he stepped out in front of Lucius blocking his path.

He did not want to let Lucius off the hook so easily so narrowed his eyes as he spoke out.

"You seem to be a swordsman, why don't we have a little sword duel? Surely you won't run away from this. Even if you are a commoner with no reputation, surely you have some pride."