60. Mana technique

After registering at the library, Lucius didn't walk away and instead carried on speaking with the librarian.

"Erm.. excuse me." Called Lucius

"I'm currently looking for books about mana training for fighters and the basics that you need to know about them. Can you tell me where to find these books.

Hearing Lucius's description of the books he was a looking for, a faint smile appeared on the lips of the librarian girl.

She just quickly flickers through the book in front of her before she found the information Lucius was looking for.

"Based on your requirements, the books you're looking for would be found in section C, Row 2"

After receiving the news, Lucius wasn't ungrateful and quickly thanked the librarian before going into the library to retrieve those particular books

After taking the books off the shelf, Lucius found a rather secluded area and began reading.