70. Blood

He currently couldn't think straight, but he instinctively knew that if he took that fireball with his currently damaged body, his life would be at risk.

Lucius quickly rushed out like a raging beast.

Seeing the ferocious and bloody Lucius dashing towards her, Veronica's legs grew weak.

The fireball n her hand fizzled out as she dropped to the floor in fear but Lucius still didn't stop

His hands shot like a snake grasping around her neck and just as he was about to choke the life out of her Lucius heard a loud shout

"Stop right there!"

It was a chilling voice imbued with such authority it made everyone shiver, including Lucius. The overwhelming mana spread throughout the room as everyone froze in place.

"What kind of carnage is happening here? This is a classroom not an arena!"

The sudden voice was enough to snap Lucius out of his trance and back into his senses