110. Personal Teacher

"Lucius, besides coming to ask about your talent. There was another thing I came here to tell you. It's time to enter the next phase of your specific training, it's time for you to pick a personal tutor."

As Mr. Hoffman spoke he handed Lucius a stack of paper filled with all the available teachers and their strengths and specialities.

There were Mage tutors, fighters and even some magic swordsmen , each teacher in each area was extremely skilled and each one was different with a specialised fighting style carrying unique carrying specialities.

"As Lucius was looking throughout the papers he noticed something a little strange and asked 

"Mr Hoffman you don't seem to be amongst the list of available teachers?"

Hearing this, Mr. Hoffman just smiled 

"Why would I want to do that? I'm already your home room teacher so there's no need. Why? Do you want me to be your personal tutor? 

"Eh.. not really. I was just a little curious, that's all ."