160. Agreement

 If he truly wanted them to turn traitor, Lucius didn't think they would be able to withstand his, or more accurately, Camilla's methods of persuasion.

 But Lucius didn't need those guys to betray the Montford family, at least not yet. By the time the moment came for them to betray, they would be so absorbed that Lucius was confident they wouldn't even know it was a betrayal, but Lucius didn't need that right now.

Sensing the two men's unease, Lucius quickly put their worries to rest.

"Calm down, will you? I'm not crazy and still want to keep my head on my neck! I am not so reckless as to fight against or even ask you to betray the Montford family. 

I'm only asking you to help me out with a few things and do some things that are inappropriate for me to do with my identity as a commoner. Although it's a bit shady, it's not like you have never done anything shady before. Besides, do you guys even have a choice?"