"Uhhhahhhhh" Charlotte threw up

Cough Cough

Charlotte smiled at her picture of August

Click click

August turned the keys and walked in the door

"Hello, mom" He said quickly getting down

"I have something that'll make you all better now" He said

"You have to take this everyday, for four days and you will get better" He said

"What, what is it" She said coughing

"It's medicine, it's meant to heal you, because you're sick" He said

"Here" He said putting some in a cup

Charlotte drunk it and started coughing

"It probably doesn't taste very well but it can make you better" He said

"Where'd you get this" She asked

"Oh some of my friends helped me, that's not important what's important is you getting better" He said

"Was it that boy, The Rai one" She said

"Uhh, He did help" He said

"Where'd you go" She asked

"We went to a lake that held what you needed" August said

"Did you get your work done, August" She said

"I'm getting on that, but I will" He said

"Good" She said

August got up and walked outside

"Uhm, dad it's best if you wait out here" He said

"Like just stay somewhere until she gets better it's no telling what will happen if she sees you" August said

"I understand son if I had known about any of this I would've sent money" He said

"It's alright, I handled it pretty well" August said

"Son, it looks like everything your mom stood for didn't rub off on you" Nicholas said hugging August

"You did well son, really you did" He said

"Now go get some sleep" He said

"So did you enjoy, your trip" Alder asked

"Trip, oh uhm yeah it was amazing, Flynn's family is cool" Rai said

"You took any pictures" Alder said

"Oh, uhm, pictures nah I don't take pictures I like to you know live in the moment" Rai said

"Oh, okay" Alder said

"Hey, Rai funny you know" Alder said

"Uh what's funny" Rai asked nervously

"The same time you took the trip, my lair was unlocked, and when I went down to see why, a book was missing" He said

"And the book wasn't just any book, it was one on how to help, villains get better?, and uh your trip to Canada, The lake that holds the water happens to be in Canada" Alder said

"Would that have anything to do with your trip?" Alder asked

Ring Ring

"Thank God" Rai said

"Hey Mr. Corrigan" Flynn said waving

Rai ran out of the store

"Woah, you're energetic this morning" Flynn said

"So how's August" Flynn asked

"I don't know I haven't seen him yet" Rai said

"Yo what's wrong dude" Flynn said

"Bro, I think, Alder knows, no Alder knows" Rai said

"Shit shit shit shit"

"Jeez man that's not good" Flynn said

"I could lose my job, and like everything, even my spot in this university" Rai said

"Maybe you just gotta convince him you did it for the greater good" Flynn said

"No, Flynn he specifically warned me, not to help that woman" Rai said

"Well, maybe he just doesn't know what's out there" Flynn said

"No, no he knows, Charlotte almost killed him when he was around my age" He said

"Oh well, maybe it'll be a bit harder" Flynn said

"She doesn't seem like she would kill a kid though" Flynn said

"Yeah, that's probably because she's nearly half dead" Rai said

"Well, man don't worry about it, you felt this was something you needed to do, so don't question it, you're helping a boy get his mom back" Flynn said

"I hope I did the right thing" Rai said

"Hey, Rai, hey Flynn" August said

"Wassup, August" Flynn said

"Hey, August" Rai said

"You good man, you seem worried about something" August asked

"Yeah I'm good, man how about you" Rai asked

"Guys my mom is getting 100% better, she even managed to give me breakfast today" August said

"Thanks guys" August said hugging them

"No problem dude" Flynn said

"Yeah, I'm glad everything is working out" Rai said

"Hey, Rai man, I haven't known you for long, but something is off come on tell me about it" August said

"Alder found out" Rai said

"Shit" August said

"You gotta please I'm begging you, please don't let your mom do anything crazy" Rai said

"She won't, she has really changed from that way" August said

"I don't know what's going to happen to me" Rai said

"I'll come back with you to the shop" August said

"I don't care what your boss says, you did something life changing for me, I wanna tell him about that" August said

"I'll come too then" Flynn said

"Thanks guys, so much" Rai said

"No, that's not it, no that's, oh what a confusing place" A girl said

"I just hope he doesn't take anything out on you, you know, you being the son and all" Flynn said

"Excuse me" A girl said coming up to The boys

"Yes, is there a problem" Rai asked

"Uhm, where is the science lab, I'm supposed to be there in fifth teen minutes, but I wanna get there now, so that I have enough time to set up" She said

"I can help you set up" Flynn said

"I'll help too" Rai said

"Me three" August said

The girl giggled

"Here's the science lab" She said

"Wait a minute" Flynn said

"I'm sorry but you look really familiar" he said

"Yeah, you kinda do" August said

"Wait you're that waitress girl" Rai said

"Wait what how did you guys know I was a waitress" She said

"Uhh, I was that asshole guy" Flynn said

"I don't seem to remember" She said

"The guy that was continuously making you uncomfortable" He said

"There's hundreds of guys who do that every day" She said

"Wait, you were the guy who was ordering for your friends, oh I remember now" She said

"I'm sorry about that, really" Flynn said

"Eh, I don't care about that" She said

"So you quit your job" August asked

"Well I was working it to get enough money for a ticket to come here" She said

"So yeah" She said

"So you're majoring in Science ehh" Rai said

"Awesome subject" She said

"Nah I don't know about that, I hated it in school" August said picking up an iron rod


The rod flew across the room and out of the window


"I better fix this" The girl said bending the window back to its former state

"Woah woah woa, WHAT IS GOING ON" Rai asked

"You two have powers" Rai asked

"That was awesome" Flynn said

"I didn't even know" August said

"How did I do that"

"Uhm, yeah I do" The girl said

"What the heck" Rai said

"Alright, alright, August how did you not know" Rai asked

"I don't know, I that never happened before" He said

"And that girl, why what in the world, this is confusing" Rai said

"I'm going to ask my dad about this" August said

"Wow, all of you guys are soo cool I wish I had powers" Flynn said

"Anyway, we gotta get Rai outta trouble" He said

Ring Ring

"Afternoon Rai" Alder said

"So you gonna run out on me like you, did this morning, what the hell were you doing in Canada" Alder asked

"I was, I was trying to-

"He was trying to heal my mother, I was down and sad, I almost killed this bright blue eyed kid over it, Don't blame Rai, blame me" August said

"Blame me too, I was the one who planned the trip to Canada, I couldn't bear to see August so sad, if there was something I could do to help I had too" Flynn said

"So don't blame him"

"It seems you boys have each other's backs, which is a good thing, but Rai you disobeyed me, and lied to me" Alder said

"I can't have someone like that working in my store" Alder said

"But, lucky for you, I did the same exact stuff you did, even worse" He said

"I once killed for a girl" He said

"So, how can I hold this against you, you felt it was right" Alder said

"Now get to work" He said slamming a book down

"Wow, we did it" they said

Knock Knock

"Hello, oh hello, August how was school" Nicholas said

"It's university dad, but it was cool" He said

"Oh, how's your mom" He asked

"She's doing phenomenally better" He said

"Yeah, I'm going to want to see her, when she is fully better" He said

"I know I know, but uh dad I have a question" August asked

"Did you unknowingly, give me powers" August asked

"Why is that" He asked

"Because I touched some iron today, and I literally nearly killed someone" He said

"And then another strange thing happened with a girl" He said

"Oui, you finally got a girl you're talking to, is she cute" He asked

"Dad, what no, no that's not important and no, I literally bent iron today, what's going on" August asked

"Son, I did give you powers, when I gave you that hug, I knew you were my son, this is the boy I had to leave, and the man I now came back to" He said

"I know I should've told you, but I just had to wait, I didn't want you getting scared" He said

"But dad, I can't have powers, I'm somewhat like mom when she was evil" He said

"Son, no you're not, you're nothing like her" Nicholas said

"You, are August now, not me not your mom, not anyone, but you" He said

"I'm very proud of who you have become, so very proud son" He said

"Thanks, dad" August said

"I guess I should make it back to mom, then" August said leaving

"If you ever need help navigating your newfound powers, son I'm here" He said


"Hey mom" August said

"Hello, son was university good" She asked

"It was nice"he said

"Make sure you're taking the medicine mom, I gotta run over to Rai's really quick" He said

Knock Knock

"Jeez who tf is that" Rai said putting his book down

"Damn, August why you knocking like that, you trying to take my door out too" Rai said

"No, man I'm just asking, what tf are we going to do about that girl" August asked

"I don't know I was going to ask Alder, but maybe she doesn't want her information out like that" Rai Said

"She was real cute too" August said

"Yeah, that's why we helped her. Good thing we were thinking like that" He said

"Wait so why do you have powers" Rai asked

"Because, my dad gave me a hug and unknowingly have me powers" He said

"Wow that's interesting" He said

"Yeah, of course if I have questions, I'll ask him" He said

"This feels wrong, we should invite Flynn over" August said

"Yeah, he's our guy" Rai said getting the phone

"I'll tell his happy ass to get a pizza" Rai said