*You have no Mother or Father, young man

*Guess we'll just have to wait and see if anyone even wants you, go play with the other children

"Growing up in that sort of system was too much for me, no child should have to suffer under such horrendous conditions" Dominic said

"Mr. Cabrera I can only imagine what your life was like"

"I often hid to avoid the bigger and older kids, my mother and father managed to name me Dominic, the children, would call me dumb Dom, as a joke, they would hit me and spit on me, those children were brutal"

*dumby Dom, come out we're trying to play with you

*He's right there,

*no, I don't want to plawhahh

*hahaha hahahaha hahahaha, Dumb Dom, Die Dumb Dom

"Then one day I was eventually adopted I was six years old, this family didn't have much, but there were five other children two biological and three like me, those children were my brothers and sisters we'd get into fights, deals we played everything a kid could ask for"

"Then one day, two robbers broke into the home of my adopted parents home and shot them, they shot the kids too, I managed to survive, because I was out side and away from the house, I didn't realize those men were evil, I thought they were good people bringing gifts to us, when they left I continued to play with the other children for about 30 minutes, and then I went home, I remember having a huge smile on my face, I was ready to go back home and eat, I was so happy"

"When I walked in I remember calling their names and no one answered I got frustrated and stormed into my parents room, I didn't see them so I went to the bathroom and there was my three sisters dead on the floor they had blood oozing out, and all sorts of nonsense that I wish I hadn't seen"

"I didn't know what happened so I called the police, I never did see the state of my mom, dad and two older brothers, I hope they rest in peace now"

"By that time I was 8, and in that home again, pretty much kept to myself and then at 11 I was adopted"

"The people who adopted me weren't regular people, these people had something wrong with them, after a while I found out they were heroes, and as a teenager you can imagine how I felt, I mean it was the most amazing thing that could happen to a kid"

"Then one day I woke up and I was oozing something clear it was coming out of my head, I started screaming, my mom walked in and she cleaned it up, she asked what happened, I said I don't know"

"Well after a while strange things started happening, I could stop gravity a move things forward to me, I could control what people could say to me, and I could take on different forms of energy, for example I could take energy from the microwave and project on something else"

"I mean I had no idea where this came from my parents took me to find out, it was said my mother had powers, I didn't even know that, then I was happy I somehow had something of my birth parents even though I never met them"

"I was 16, now and things took a horrible turn, I watched my hero family, whom I adored greatly abandon there morals, it was when a local family was robbed and my family went to investigate, but they exploited these people only for fame and I confronted them about this"

"They told me there was nothing they could do, I resented the hell out of them, I left at 19, and from then on I was always weary of heroes, exploiting and money all they do, I hope one day, all heroes can be stopped I wouldn't want a world where they can continue there craft"

"Mr. Cabrera a man like you and of your value I would have never guessed you struggled but I guess that's how you are so humble now, youre a good man sir, I really want to work with you"

"I reviewed your plans Mr. Chatta and I don't agree with them, I don't want to do any harm to people"

"Yes I know but you'll, be harming heroes though, and u already let that girl go away, what was that about"

"Mr. Chatta I let her go strictly because I had no need for her then, I want to wait until she's of greater value in her powers, I want her to know who she is before I take them" Dominic said

"You're a smart man sir, I hope you achieve that" Mr. Chatta said getting up

"Wait, wait a moment there, Mr. Chatta" Dominic said standing up

"I forgot to tell you something"

"Oh ye- Gwawwwhhhgghg

Dominic took his belt off and wrapped it around Mr. Chatta's neck

"Touch that girl or any of those kids I will personally kill you your entire outfit, and leave your wife a widow and kids fatherless, you listen to me, dont touch them" Dominic said letting go

*Cough Cough blllghhhh

"Y.yyy yes I got it sir" Mr. Chatta said leaving

"Damn you had to do that"

"I don't want anyone touching those kids but me, i will kill anyone who gets in my way" Dominic said

"Your morals are odd"

"Yawn ywan what? What the???!!!!"

"Why is there, I'm calling Flynn"


"Ow Rai that shit hurt" Flynn answered

"Why TF are there pizza slices on my head, I woke up in grease, now I smell like u" Rai said

"What I do not smell like pizza grease" Flynn said

"We were eating pizza remember, with August, also we gotta go to his dad's today, his dad might be leaving cuz his dad met his mom, and she wasn't ready to see him" Flynn said

"When did we agree on this?" Rai asked

Knock Knock

"Hey guys"

"Oh boys come in" Mrs. Lever said

"I just made some nuggets and fries, you boys eat now, eat I don't want it to waste" She said patting them

"August I am going to work now, and don't go and see your, stay here ok" She said leaving

"Damn you mom doesn't even want you around your dad" Flynn said

"Yea, she's worried he'll put something bad in my head about her, but I think she's also mad he didn't stick around for me, but at the same time it was kinda her fault because everytime he did try to come around she'd remove me, but dad also was a hero, at that time mom wasn't a villain, she was villainous, but she hadda take care of me, but dad would take me on missions and mom didn't like that, so yeah" August said

"We still going though right" Rai asked

"Yeah" August said eating a fry

"So how's it between you two" Flynn said

"She ain't text me, I don't think she wants to be friends I fucked it up, gotta face it up like a man" August said getting up

"Come on guys" August said

"He seems so down, like damn" Flynn said

"No matter what was happening in his life as long as Elysia was there he would be happy, but we can be there for him" Rai said

"Yeah" Flynn said

"So is there a special dish your dad makes, when u come over, like your mom and those buggies" Flynn asked putting his arm around August

"No, but he mostly goes to restaurants anyway, working with that hero business thing he's always busy, but he always finds time for me, thats why he cant go" August said

"Don't worry we won't let him" Flynn said

"Flynn his you gonna stop him" August said

"I don't know but I'll find a way" He said

Ring Ring Ring

"Hol up guys, keep walking" Rai said

"Hello, yeah oh wow that's amazing, that's great news to hear for you" Rai said

"Guys, Elysia found out her parents names, and where they live" Rai said

"That's great we gotta call her" Flynn said

"That is amazing" August said

"I'm happy for her" He said

"It's alright buddy she still cares for u, you'll see" Flynn said

"Hey dad"

"Hey, som and friends, y'all hungry" He said

"No just tired" August said

"Oh u alright, August someone mess with you, what's wrong" he asked

"I'mma go find something to eat" Flynn said

"Same" Rai said

"I accidentally did something bad to this girl" August said

"Oh shit, Rai did you get a girl pregnant, you have to. stay, work as many jobs as you can, be there I don't care but you're gonna be t-

"No dad, I didn't in fact something worse" He said

"August for the Love of God, you didn't"

"No dad, I lost a friend I had bad intentions only wanting to use her with the intent that I was helping her" He said

"So lemme get this straight you talked a girl up into trusting you, and then you betrayed that trust, by trying to have sex with her" Nicholas said

"Son, I really oughta slap you right now, I never thought you'd turn out this way" Nicholas said

"You never thought I would turn out this wa-, youd never thought I would turn out this way, have u ever thought of anything? All those years, you could've been there and fought for me, instead you gladly let me stay with mom, you didn't care because you didn't want the burden of taking care of your son, it's easier to leave mom single and live your flashy "hero" life" August said

"August 👋, I will not have you talk to me like that, you shut your mouth, I tried to get custody of you, your mother fought the system hard because she wanted you so much the system saw her fit, a single mom trying to get by was perfect for them, I tried every year and failed, I was busy fighting monsters off to keep this world safe for my family, dont try to excuse your provocative actions off by playing the " you were never there for me card" I may not have been there, but I tried, and now you have to try, your mother did what she had to, and I'm glad you didn't turn out to be some crazy killer like her, but son there has to come a time where you have to learn you gotta own up to your actions, what you did to that young lady was horrible she may never trust you again, and she would be right not to"

"If you talk so much about running away from your actions why are you trying to go back to Canada" August asked

"August I'm not tryna go back, I only said that because your mom had me mad, but son I can't control you, but I hope you make the right choice because what you did is horrifying, as a young man, she should've punched you or something, I don't know"

August left out of the house

"We'll get him, Mr. Yoo" the boys said

"August wait" Flynn said

"Guys what if I'm like my mother, what if Elysia is right and what if dad is right" August said crying

"Well they can't decide that for you, you must decide that for yourself, but August, you aren't the victim here" Rai said

"Yeah, your dad's right, that was horrible you needa fix your self up and do the right thing" Flynn said

"How, how do I" August said

"I don't know, that's for you to decide" Rai

Said holding August up