11:58 a.m.

"So you think you're better than me" August said

"Well considering you had no basic training, yes I am" Alessandro said

"What the hell are you guys doing, no we not doing this shit in my house" Rai said putting a bowl or Doritos down

"Sorry Rai, we got carried away" August said

"Yeah you gonna be sorry when u see my bill" Rai said turning the tv on

Knock Knock

"Who the hell is at the damn door this hour" Rai said slamming it open

"What?" he said slightly annoyed

"Oh hey Flynn, how are you, oh and Elysia, come on in" Rai said opening the door wider

The two walked in

Elysia rolled her eyes when she saw August sitting

"Well Elysia and Flynn are here" Rai said happily

"Y'all wanna watch TV with us" Rai asked

"No we're good right Flynn" Elysia said

"Are you the girl they call Elysia?" Alessandro asked

"Yeah, Rai this is Elysia and Flynn" Rai said

"You are a beautiful girl with such refinement and dignity, how could a guy act in such a disgusting manner toward a lovely girl like you" Alessandro said grasping her hands

"Uhm? Thank you" Elysia said confused

"So what are you guys doing here" Rai asked

"Well we are here to tell all of you guys something" Flynn said

August got up and walked into the kitchen

"Well anyway Elysia and I have decided we are leaving the country" Flynn said

"What, you are leaving your country, why are you doing that" Alessandro asked

"Well, we aren't like moving, but we discovered information about ourselves that we can only expand on if we go to this place" Flynn said

"Flynn let's tell them" Elysia said

"Elysia and I have discovered our parents" Flynn said

"Yes, my parents are now dead" Elysia said looking down as Flynn held her

"I recently discovered my mother is in Spain which is where we will be going I have no idea if she is dead or alive" Flynn said

"Are you guys sure you want to do this someone could tail y'all" Rai said confused

"We're sure Rai, 100%" Flynn said

"We will be back some day, but right now we really need to do this" Elysia said sadly

"Elysia you seem so down, I don't know you but you seem so sad" Alessandro said

Elysia blinked her eyes before being released with tears streaming down to her knees

"I just want my parents to be found I just wanna learn more about them, I never even met them" Elysia said crying

"I'm sure if they did meet you they would be proud of you by just speaking one sentence to you Elysia"

Elysia turned around to see August standing against a wall slightly slanted

"August" She said

"Yes Elysia" he responded

"Can you come here" She asked

His legs walked him over without even a single thought in his mind

Elysia looked up at August and blinked her eyes still tears falling out, she fell into August and began to cry

August confused hugged her and kissed her head, the guys looked around confused and lost

1:30 a.m.

"So when do you guys plan to leave" Rai asked

"Around 10:00 a.m. tomorrow" He said

"Man I wish y'all didn't have to go" Rai said sadly

"I wish we could go with you" He added

"No me and Elysia have to do this alone, maybe I can finally discover my true self" He said

"Flynn you already are your true self, whoever your mother is I'm pretty sure she is a great person, but you are you Flynn you don't need to fly halfway across the world to know that" Rai said laughing

"Yeah but I want to learn about my mother" Flynn said

"Wow you Americans are full of mysteries and drama" Alessandro said with his arms crossed

"Dude this isn't even America" Flynn said tired and laughing a bit

"August maybe you should get out of the doorway and let the girl sleep" Rai said

"She's already sleeping, man" August said sitting down

"You really love her don't you" Alessandro said

"I do, I do you know in that moment when she was crying all I could feel was a sense of protection, it's like I never want her to feel that way again, you know protect her from all the evil in the world" August said

"August you are the evil" Rai said laughing

"Listen man shut the fuck up ok" August said

"I was only kidding, but if u truly feel that way that's great" Rai said

"I'm surprised he didn't say anything physical" Alessandro said

"You don't even know me well enough, you'd better shut your mouth" August said standing up


August turned around

"August I wish you would stop doing that" Elysia said

"I'm sorry Elysia I don't know what I did" He said

"You are always trying to prove something to somebody, and you should not, you should only prove things to yourself" She said queuing him to sit down

"Now will you guys be quiet I'm trying to sleep" She said cracking a tiny smile

"She's is the prettiest girl in the world when she smiles, I love when she is happy" August said

"Goodness you have a wide smile plastered across your face dude" Rai said

"He has been struck, he is in love" Alessandro said

"Flynn you gotta promise me you'll take good care of her please, don't let anything happen to her" August said begging him

"I will August, I will protect her best I can" He said

"I'm just worried I won't be able to protect her from within" Flynn said

"When she discovers more about her parents" August said looking down

"I will try my very best though, I won't give up on El" Flynn said