"Flynn Flynn" wake up" Elysia came storming through the room

She hooped on the bed and shook Flynn

"I'm up, I'm up" He said yawning and smiling as Elysia jumped up and down

"You are very excited I see" He said smiling

"I am, today I am going to try and learn about the battle, my parents fought in, I'm going to learn so much about them" She said smiling big at Flynn

"Oh, no Flynn, i- forgot, your mom, we can learn more about her today too" She said frowning at the thought of forgetting her friend's issue

"No, no it's fine El, you learn about your parents we can learn about my mom, another day, I promise it's alright, you celebrate, I love seeing you happy" He said grabbing her hand

"Okay, let's go then" She said excitedly

"Alright El, let me get dressed" He said

"I should call the guys" Flynn said

Ring Ring

"This is stupid, the words should be able to just evaporate into your mind" Rai said

"Well then it wouldn't be much studying would there" An employee said

"Yeah, whatever" Rai said rolling his eyes while pricking a flower

"RAI!!!" Alder said

"Sir" Rai ran to Alder

"Something up" Rai asked

"Kid on the phone for you" Alder said

"Hello" Rai said confused

"Hey, Rai I'm calling you to say hey, and we are so happy today, well mainly El she's so excited I haven't seen such a bright smile on her face in so long, boy if August were here he wouldn't be able to take his eyes off of her" Flynn said

"That's awesome, that is really nice, I'm glad everything is going well for you two, I'm really glad to hear it" Rai said

"Wait how'd you know that I don't use my personal phone during work" Rai asked

"Oh I've been by there before, plus you tell me how dumb the rule is" He said

"Oh yeah" Rai said

"Is El around" Rai asked

"Nah she's probably waiting for me, honestly I'm just glad she's happy dude, I mean I'm going to keep her happy" He said

"That's awesome Flynn, have you any word about your mom?" Rai asked

"Nah, not much but we're going to keep it up though" He said

"Alright, Flynn Thank Goodness August isn't here or he'd be all on the phone" Rai said

"Yeah, alright Rai see you in a few days" Flynn said

"See you man" Rai said hanging up

"That your friend?

"It's your mom" Rai said

"Alright El, I'm ready" Flynn said

"El el, wait fore" Flynn said running after her

"The problem is I just don't know who to talk to" Elysia said

"Well we'll find someone" Flynn said

"Yeah you're right, someone will know something" Elysia said

"You hungry Flynn" She asked

"Yeah, I'm always" He said laughing

"Alright well let's get you something to eat" she said hitting his stomach

"Elysia" he said laughing and chasing after her


"Ding Ding"

"Shit, uhm Welcome to- oh uhm, hello Alessandro, your are a bit out of town, right? Like 3 hours out" Rai said

"Oh, I'm just coming by, uhm to see how you all are, and your friends, the ones who are on the journey" He said

"Oh yeah, yeah Elysia and Flynn, yeah Flynn just called" Rai said

"They're loving it ya know the vacation and Elysia is learning so much" Rai said

"That is wonderful, that calls for a celebration you know" He said

"Yeah yeah, is that all you wanted" Rai said

"Goodness, Rai a guy can't come over and check in on people" Alessandro said laughing

"I mean yeah, but dude you're five hours out of town" Rai said laughing, you could have just called

"Yeah, well you're right, that is not all I am here for" He said

"I knew it, so what's up, something bad" Rai said

"Well no, I just wanted to talk about the fight you and that other kid" He said

"August" Rai said

"Yeah yeah him, the guy, Adrian Wolfe" Alessandro said

"Yeah we got him, well actually Alder, my boss hadda come in but we did handle it, also uhm this other guy, August's old friend, very weird, I think they are working together" Rai said

"Yeah is August here, or is he still in the hospital" Alessandro asked

"Yeah he's still healing" Rai said

"That's good, that is good" Alessandro said

"I get the feeling you aren't telling me all what you're here for, Alessandro" Rai said putting a rag down

"Ok you're right, I want to show you this guy" Alessandro said taking a picture out on his phone

"Miguel Torres" He said

"Who is this guy" Rai asked

"He works with Adrian or at least they did work together" Alessandro said

"So why would I need to worry about him though, is he the leader or something" Rai said

"Well we have been keeping eyes on the guy and he works around the circles, Adrian keeps in, so chances are if her hears about Adrian's defeat he'll want to know who the people are, and there's definitely something he's gonna want from you guys" Alessandro said

"Wait, what people, and who is keeping eyes on this people, wait and how do you? Know all of this" Rai said

"Well it's an organization my parents work for, honestly your boss has probably heard of it, probably has worked in it, I know because my parents have me enrolled an upcoming member of course not any time soon, but surprisingly they let us take care of important stuff like this, crazy right" Alessandro said

"Yeah damn right it's crazy, I wouldn't trust u with a juice box" Rai said

"Oh come on, I'm responsible" Alessandro said

"But honestly if that guy tries to f with us, Alder can take him, no problem and you can too, you're staying right, you aren't traveling back 3 hosur are you?" Rai asked

"Yeah but I ain't got no money to stay, can't ask my parents for any they just gave me some, I blew it on this jacket I'm wearing right now" He said

"I was wondering wear that thing came from, I don't know it doesn't suit you man" Rai said

"What" Alessandro said

"I'm just kidding, you know you can stay at my place if you like, I got an extra room" Rai said

"Oh that's awesome" Alessandro smiling at Rai

"And I would like the melody delight" Elysia said smiling

"El you can't have ice cream for breakfast" Flynn said

"Yes I can" She said laughing

"Elysia I know you're happy and all but at least eat correct food at correct times" He said

"Here you all are" The lady said

"Thank.You" They said

"You're silly" Flynn said laughing

"No, you just aren't creative" She said

"What do you think my parents are famous for, from the war, Flynn" She asked

"Maybe killing five dragons" He said

"Noo" She said laughing

"I can't wait to see" She said eating her ice cream

"I'm going to look around a bit and see if they have any nice things to take back" Flynn said

"Ring Ring"

"" August said

"" "Ring Ring"


August woke up

"Hello" He said yawning

"Oh, no August are you still sleeping" She asked

"El? Elysia" August said

"Elysia, hey how are you are you sage what's going on" He asked

"I'm I'm all of those things, today I'm going to learn more about a war my parents fought in, well not really like a war war, but. You know" She said

"Yeah yeah, I definitely know, I do, I'm so glad to hear your voice" He said

"Yeah I'm glad to hear you to, August, how are you" She asked

"I'm just fine" He said

"That's nice, me and Flynn are having so much fun" She said

August facepalmed

"Flynn? What have y'all did" He asked trying to sound happily

"Oh we basically played games and looked at cute little shops and of course we are learning" She said

"Oh oh that's good that is very very good" He said

"He's looking at shops right now" She said

"We're eating breakfast" She said

"Yeah, I was just about to go and eat" August said

"I over slept though" He said laughing

"Well you go eat then, I have a lot to learn" She said

"Yeah I'm sure you do" He said

"Bye, August I love you" She said

"You lo- uhh bye Elysia" He said

"Oh my- She said She loves me

August put his clothes on and went downstairs

"I thought you'd never come down" Charlotte said

"Was that your girlfriend, you were talking to some one" She asked

"No that was a friend, but thanks for breakfast I'll take. It. With me, gotta. Get to the guys" He said running out the house

"That you, just like his damn father" Charlotte said frowning

August ran through the street with a smile. On his face

"Guys" He said busting into the shop



"Oh, hey Alessandro" August said

"Guess what" August said

"A person died" Rai said

"Wtf, no" August said

"Your mom, thinks I'm handsome" Alessandro said

"Wtf, no dude" August said

"Then what"

"I was on the phone with Elysia and she said, and I quote, I love you" August said smiling

"Hahahahaha Hahahahaha"

"What why are you guys laughing" August said madly

"She said that" Rai said

"No you are lying" Alessandro said

"No I'm not, I even recorded it" He said scrolling through his phone

"I bet you jerked off to that shii" did not you Rai said

"Honestly I thought about it, but then I thought about if Elysia was standing on front of me" He said

"And that'd be bad, although I seriously wouldn't mind, I mean she's just so wonderful, she's smart and" August said

"August shut the fuck up dude, you know you don't care about how smart she is" Rai said laughing

"See, listen"

"Bye, August, I love you"

"No" Rai said

"No, it's on recording dude" August said

"No in that I mean she just said I love you, she ain't mean it like, I wanna marry and have your kids, love you" Rai said

"Yeah that's true, she said that because she was leaving plus she was really really excited today" Alessandro said

"No, that has to mean something" August said

"No dude, she just said that like she would one of us" Rai said

"Ok did she say that to you today" August asked

"Wait, how'd you know she called me" Rai asked

"Because I guessed, now did she" he asked


"See, I can't help it cute girls don't say they love you to u two haters" August said leaving

"He's obsessed with her" Alessandro said

"Yeah he's where, but he's a. Good guy" Rai said pricking leaves

"Flynn needs to hurry back I'm ready to go" Elysia said

"Excuse me" A fairly tall and good looking man said

"Uhm hi" Elysia said

"I can't help but overhear you I don't wanna sound, creepy but uhm, you said your parents were in a war" He asked

"Yeah, well uhm it wasn't like a war war" she said

"Yeah I get what you mean" He said

"Mind if I sit down" He said

"Oh sure take a seat man" she said

"I was just waiting for my friend, he wondered off somewhere" She said laughing

"He? Wondered off, maybe he got bored, if u don't mind I can show you some stuff I know about the war" he said

"Oh, uhm it's fine" She said

"I mean I wanna wait for my friend" She said getting a bit worried

"Oh man- Miguel you idiot" The man said. To himself

"I'm sorry I didn't realize how dumb I looked coming up to a lone girl, i definitely look like a fucking trafficker or some shit" He said

"Yeah no it's not that, you look decent" She said

"Me and my friend just have a rule, stick together" She said

"Yes that's am awesome rule, especially for a girl as pretty as you are" he said pulling a weapon closer to his reach

"Although I can't help but notice, your friend is breaking his own rule" He said

"You're right, yeah I'll scold him when he gets back" She said

"I really really wanna find out more about mommy and daddy" She said

"Ohhh, ok" She said

"I just really wanna know more, let's go" She said

"Alright, I promise you are going to find out so much more, I myself had an uncle in the war" He said

"Elysia?" Flynn said

"You have assailants?" Alder said

"Yes you dumb fuck" Adrian said

"Who are they? What are their motives" Alder said

"Hey, Alder how's your sister?" Adrian said

Alder groaned

"Who's the guys, Adrian give it up, there's no use I'll just find out" He said

"Like you found out what I did to your sister, poor little lady she didn't stand a chance, I bet she thinks about me if she's even conscious in that damn coma" Adrian said

"Fuck, shut the hell up Adrian, you had no fucking right to do that to her" Alder said

"There it is" Adrian said smirking

"That fucking bitch hated you all so much she gave up her powers, your places, and her nice little body, and I fucked that whore's tight little pussy, so hard, I would find the hospital she's left in just to fuck her over again" Adrian said

Alder threw a chair at the cell

"Hahaha hahahaha" you dumbass, that bitch is dead, and it's your fault " He said laughing

"Adrian you did that, to her she trusted you and you fucked her over" Alder said

"You lost her and her trust in the first place, I only slid in, where you left off" Adrian said

"Miguel Torres" Adrian said

"Who" Alder asked

"He might try to kill you all, I don't know, honestly I am only giving him up because I fucking hate his ass" Adrian said

"If I could I'd kill him right now, he's fucking stupid and crazy, but boy is he brutal, he used to work with some of the craziest people out there" Adrian said

"As a matter of fact he trained under some of the guys in fucking Los Zetas and sold shit for a crew in the Sinaloa Cartel before fucking killing them all and taking the money, on top of that shit that idiot has powers, you think I'm bad, you ain't seen his ass" Adrian said

"You two sound like you'd get along find, see even you learn to hate you Adrian" Alder said getting up

"Hey Ald- don't call me that

"Hate has power over people" Adrian said smiling

Alder paused groaned and walked out

"Well if that piece of shit comes here I'll kill him myself" Alder said boarding a train

"Hey, Flynn" what are you guys up to, Rai said calling

"Oh me, I'm going shopping" He said

"Really, El did not put you up to that did she" Rai said laughing

"No no, as a matter of fact she walked off somewhere, it looked like she walked off with some guy, but it looked like he had on the uniform here so maybe he was just showing her some shit" Flynn said

"Yeah well make sure because August will go crazy if something bad happens to her" Rai said

"Yeah, he definitely will" Flynn said laughing

"Yo speaking of bad, I just learned about some guy today, think of Adrian Wofle but like 10x crazier, his name's Miguel Torres, he's crazy ash" Rai said

"Woah, who is he" Flynn asked

"Shit I don't even know where to start, I just knows he works with, Adrian and shii, I'll send you his picture" Rai said

"Yeah I wanna see this crazy guy" Flynn said

"Oh he doesn't look crazy though, that's the thing actually he looks pretty put together" Rai said


Flynn's eyes widened

"Uhm, Rai I need to call you back" Flynn said

"Yo you good man, he's only in the screen" Rai said laughing

"Yeah I'm good, but uhm I gotta call you back" Flynn hung up the phone and ran in Miguel and Elysia's last direction

"And this is an artifact that, my uncle picked up" Miguel said handing it to Elysia

"Wow, we're so lucky to have relatives who were there" She said

"Yes, he tells me a lot of stories about it" He said

"Woah, are you serious oh, my goodness tell me on please please, I wonder if he's ever met mommy and daddy" Elysia said

"Oh you're cute" Miguel said

"You still say mommy and daddy, your parents must've tucked you to bed every night" He said

"No, I actually never met them, but I feel a connection to them" She said smiling

"That's adorable" he said patting her head

"You're an Innocent child, I see you should stay that way, and yes I think I will tell a story to you" He said

"Come on" He said signaling her to sit in front of him

"Well, my uncle says he used to know this man named, Rinny, the name sounds silly" Miguel said laughing

Elysia laughed too "it does sound silly" She said

"And apparently he got knocked down and some how, my uncle was able to heal him just for him to get knocked down five more times but he never let, anything stop him" Miguel said

"That's kind of boring" She said kicking her feet

"What! I thought you'd like it, I can't remember much, I'll have to ask him again" He said

"Hey you wanna, ok this might sound weird, but I got more stuff at the place I stay at" He said

"Alright, uhm I don't wanna follow you to your home, dude" She said

"Yeah I probably sound like a fucking wierdo right now" He said

"But there's one more thing I wanna show you" He said

"It's right,

"What is it" Elysia said



"Elysia, Elysia you need to get away from that man!!!!!

"What man?



"Flynn!!!!" Elysia screamed

"Miguel why are you doing this" She asked

"Because I knew what an Innocent piece of dumbass you'd be" He said

"You were so damn happy to find your dead parents, that you'd be willing to follow a strange man into a fucking lair" Miguel said

"Listen, don't talk about my parents like that again, and don't call me a dumbass either" She said

"Well you're dumb and your parents are dead" He said

"One of those is unfortunately true and it's not the part about me being dumb" She said throwing a dagger at Miguel's side face and aiming a gun

"You missed the part about not knowing me, you're the real dumbass" She said

"I have to admit I'd never expect a kid like you to know how to do some shit like that, where the fuck did you learn that girl" He said laughing

"But I really don't care" He said tripping her off of her feet

"Ah, Elysia slipped and got up

"I'm going to extract your shit" He said aiming the gun at her head

"I know who the fuck your parents are, and I know your powers, you are a healer, that can come in handy" He said

"Let me go" She said

"No" He said

"Yes" She said

"Huh, you're not taking my powers" She said

"Yea I am, little girl now get prepared" He said angrily

"Don't tell at me, you dumb man" She said

"I'm not dumb little girl, don't make me mad, or I'll break your dam skull, like I did all 47 of my " associates" He said

"Your associates? She asked

"Yes, how the hell have you never heard of me" He said

"You aren't important" She said smiling an kicking her feet around

"This isn't the first trap I've been in either" She said

"Well it's going to be the last when I cock this fucking gun in pull the damn, trigger, so shut the fuck up and suck my dick you db fucking bitch, your parents probably would've hated your smart ass self" He said

"You talk to her like that again, and this gum will go through your fucking brain and I'll go through your fucking organs just to see if it's there, you even say some nasty shit like that again I'll make sure you're dead"

"Huh, August????" August how'd you get here

"What the fuck, who are you" Miguel said

"This your little boyfriend, bitch boy looking self" he said

"You wanna step up to a real man to prove you're a man, eh? Miguel said getting in a stance

"August where's Flynn, Miguel hurt him" Elysia said

"Uh, oh your whore has her eyes on another kid" Miguel said laughing

"August punched Miguel in the face and started realising thrusts of power into his face

"Ah fuck you little kid" Miguel threw August off of him

"August!!!!" Elysia screamed and ran in front of August

"You can't kill him, get away" She said

"Little girl I will not hesitate to fucking dismember your little ass fuck outta my way" He said

"August moved Elysia out and fought Miguel again

"Little fucker"Miguel said

"The two continued to fight, with Miguel having the upper hand most of the time, but August healed faster with Elysia around

"See how fucking useful she is, her body is like a walking first aid kid, that shit will definitely come in handy" Miguel said

"You aren't touching her" August said continuing to blast Miguel

"You gotta get through me, he said continuing to blast Miguel

"That's easy, you're only still moving because she's giving you the strength to, just let me have her and I'll let you ask that blonde kid go" Miguel said

"Fuck no" August said punching and using power on Miguel at the same time

"Miguel pushed August off and all of his power

"Little boy, you are useless, shut the fuck up and let me get the girl, no you know what, move" Miguel said

"Miguel grabbed Elysia

"Ahhhh, let me go, let go of me, Miguel, I'm not going anywhere with you, leave me and my friends be" She said kicking screaming and biting

"August got up and pulled Miguel off of Elysia

"I told you to not touch her" August said

"And I said I'd kick your ass, so one of us was right" Miguel said

"Fuck you kids, I hate you kids" He said

"Aren't you like 7 years older than us" August said

"Miguel struck August in the neck

Elysia's Eyes widened

"August, elysia Ran over

"August was curled up shaking and holding his neck

" oh my goodness, he's going to bleed out" Elysia said worried

"If I don't do anything he'll die" She said

"Wait, you heal him on one condition" Miguel said

"What what what, I need to save him" She said

"You all come with me" He said

"Alright fine, just let me help my friend" She said

"Alright go ahead

"August you'll be alright just let me. Heal you, she said putting her thumb on his neck

"See you're healed now" She said

Elysia took out a gun and started shooting at Migue,

"What the, you just healed the boy" Miguel said

"Little girl, put the damn gun down" He said

"Elysia kept firing

"Run, August" She. Said

"No, I'm not leaving you" He said

"My power is way more lethal than yours, El" He said grabbing her arm

"You go heal Flynn I'll take him on" August said

"Gimmie the gun" He said

"Ok" Elysia said nodding her head

"Keep shooting little girl and you'll have a damn surprise" Miguel said

"She's gone, Miguel" August said putting the gun away

"Oh your little ass, the fuck outta here, you're useless to me" He said

"Listen why are you doing this" August asked

"Because if I extract that little girl's power, I get an extra 500k, healers are worth a lot" He said

"Ok but Elysia is my friend, I will have to kill you before you extract shit" August said

"Are you her fucking husband or some shit, you needa shut up kid, I'm tryna make money" He said

"By hurting little girls, that's the fucking honor you live by, listen I was just like you, willing to kill whoever for the fucking fun of it at times" He said

"I know what it is like to be desperate, to do anything for money, or whatever, but I also know what it's like to be the one doing it" He said

"You need to find another way to get money, that doesn't require hurting someone I care about" August said

"Fuck that story" Miguel shot at August and August shot back

"You think. I. Give a damn about 500k, fucker I got millions racked up as we speak I get to kill a bitch extract her powers and get money, that shit is fucking fun" Miguel said laughing

"Oh shit" August said

"This guy is fucking crazy as shit" August said I can't let him out around civilians, what the shit do I do

"Oh, August looked up at the power in the lair

Bah Bah Bah

"Ah ah cough

Miguel was blinded by the powder

"August ran like his life depended on it,

" hello, El where is Flynn" He asked

"He's in the hospital" She said

"Is there any way you can come. To the lazy entrance is he awake. Can he walk, you two need. To. Come, there's a. Plane waiting, if u two don't come, Miguel will kill you" He said

"I mean we can try" She said

"I'm sorry I could not protect you, Elysia one day I will be strong enough to" He said

"August you're literally running from a man who is dead set on torturing you, you are a good protecter" she said

"Ok, uhm Flynn listen you're going to run and as fast as. You can" Elysia said

"Yah, I hear everything" He said