Reincarnation Bow, Life and Death Arrows

One cup of tea later.

On the black warship, Lu Xuan and Cheng Lingzhu stood at the bow, looking down.

Over three thousand sea pirates crouched on the deck, shivering and holding their heads.

Before them lay a headless corpse in black armor, still warm to the touch.

"You aren't really sea pirates, are you?" Lu Xuan asked.

He had felt something amiss about these men from the moment they appeared. The pirates' well-coordinated movements and formation fighting didn't seem genuine.

The pirates, holding their heads, didn't dare to speak.

"If you won't talk, I'll search your souls myself later," Lu Xuan said, holding a scroll painting. The black-armored man had no identification, only this valuable piece of calligraphy.

Unfurling the scroll revealed bold characters: ​​"Sole Exaltation"!