"This is The Enemy Provoking Us!"

In the dark space.

Eleven bronze lamps burned slowly.

"Xuan Ming, you urgently summoned us here, what's the matter?" asked Hou Tu, her tone unfriendly.

"Did someone interrupt your good time, Sister Hou Tu?" Yan Zi joked.

"I was just taking a nap and got abruptly woken up, so I'm in a bit of a bad mood," Hou Tu replied.

Hearing her words, everyone present began to ponder.

The Archean Eon Realm was a vast domain, and its sun, formed by the will of the world, rises in the east and sets in the west, orbiting the realm.

This meant that there were time differences within the Archean Eon Realm.

Hou Tu said she had just finished her nap...

From this, they could deduce where she might be at the moment.

However, this statement could not be entirely trusted. Everyone present was capable of deception; Hou Tu might be deliberately misleading them.