Dao Evolution Sect Disciple Nangong Xuan

The next morning, Lu Xuan slowly woke up.

Cheng Lingzhu was snuggled in his arms, sleeping soundly. She was wearing a thin black nightgown, and through the fabric, he could feel her body warmth.

One of her smooth, long legs was draped over Lu Xuan, her arm wrapped around his waist, holding him as if clutching a human-shaped pillow.

It was quite normal for her to be bare-legged, especially since Lu Xuan had burned the silk stockings to ashes with a flicker of spiritual fire last night.

If Lu Xuan were to describe his feelings, it would be something like:

"Everything has returned, the era of white silk has returned..."

"But sometimes, it's also nice to try new fashion trends."

Lu Xuan mused thoughtfully. He heard that going barefoot was in vogue now.

Cheng Lingzhu's peaceful sleeping face was beautiful. Lu Xuan gently adjusted her hair from her forehead and softly kissed her there.