Ancestor of the Blood Sea's Tragic Dog Life

In the Demon Emperor City.

"Bark woof! Bark!"

A dark shadow plummeted from the sky, crashing onto the ground.

The Ancestor of the Blood Sea, now inhabiting the body of a stray dog, had never expected to experience free fall after so many years of cultivation.

After possessing the dog, he had rushed into the Imperial City at top speed,

Expecting to find orderly buildings or independent cave dwellings inside.

To his surprise, he found himself in a primitive forest instead.

The next moment, the Ancestor of the Blood Sea plunged headfirst into the forest.

Fortunately, the trees were tall and leafy, providing considerable cushioning as he fell.

Unfortunately, due to the speed of the fall, one of his dog legs hit a thick branch and broke.

Whimpering in pain, the Ancestor of the Blood Sea had only enough power to possess a stray dog.

He could not even use his magic to fly.