Some Explore as if Facing Tribulation, Others as if on Vacation

"…Indeed, my lord," the golden mystical dog lowered its head.

"That person also entered this place, right?" the young man in purple stroked its neck.

"You were driven here for him to use you as a pathfinder, to observe if there are dangers in this secret realm?"

"My lord's insight is like a torch," the Ancestor of the Blood Sea replied gravely.

However, inside, he sneered. What prince, he was still but a junior.

He had thrown out a bait in his words, and the other party had believed it.

"Now that you have become my beast pet, Gu Yuan, you are not someone anyone can just bully," the man named Gu Yuan said with a cold laugh, arrogant and domineering.

"If that person doesn't come looking for you, so be it. But if he dares... Hmph, I'll let him know that even beating a dog requires looking at its owner."


In the secret realm of the Demon Emperor City.

Among the ruins of a vast area.