Tai Sui Bodhisattva, Reincarnated True Buddha

With a sweeping gesture, Kong Wen threw Lin Qingyu into the sea of skull lamps:

"Keep a close watch on her. After my rebirth as Buddha, we'll use her as a sacrifice!"


Kong Wen turned away and declared, "The time has come for my reincarnation. The Buddha's Birthday ceremony will be overseen by you and your fellow disciple, without fail!"

"We understand, Master!"

Kong Wen's disciples bowed in unison.

After giving his instructions, Kong Wen, draped in his black robe, stepped towards the Tai Sui Bodhisattva, his feet barely touching the ground.

His hands clasped in prayer, a solemn and devout expression on his face, he recited obscure scriptures.

The mountainous Tai Sui Bodhisattva, as if sensing his approach, suddenly stilled. Its belly split open, revealing the ghastly white fleshy orb.

The orb unfolded like petals, revealing another flesh orb within, as tall as a person, with a crack at its top.