Let's See How Well You've Grown

Lu Xuan had eradicated the source of contamination through manipulation of cosmic rules, purifying it completely.

Huang Long Zhenjun, looking at the now-missing mountain of Tian Chong Temple, was astounded. Who had taken action just now? He could only see a figure enveloped in light, making it impossible to discern the details within a yard of the person.

He turned to Feng Yangzi, who was smiling and bowing in the direction of the rear mountain of Tian Chong Temple. Connecting this with Feng Yangzi's earlier assurance that someone was handling the source of contamination, Huang Long Zhenjun speculated.

Clearly, it must have been Dao Evolution Sect's leader Qing Yangzi who had acted. If Feng Yangzi, the deputy leader, could easily repel a mid-Mahayana cultivator like himself, Qing Yangzi's strength must be even greater.