Hunting Outside the City, Hidden Dangers Lurk

As they stepped into the darkness, the gates of Dream Ruins City closed behind them, extinguishing the last sliver of light.

Li Rui, holding a crystal orb-like object in her hand, activated it with her spiritual energy. Its soft glow illuminated the area within a ten-foot radius.

At the end of the group, another member ignited a Dream Lantern, essential for navigating the darkness outside Dream Ruins City. Even for martial artists, venturing here without this item was nearly impossible.

Zhang Wanjun pulled out a beast-skin map and, after some thought, directed, "We will head this way."

Years of exploration from Dream Ruins City had marked this map with safe and dangerous zones. Although the dangerous zones had more resources, Zhang Wanjun, known for his prudence, decided to first check the safe zones.

Half an hour later, a team member whispered, "Listen carefully, there's movement over there - a Dream Tapir!"