The Prison-Taming Immortal Scripture, Young Man!

He Zhao, after a moment of surprise, quickly grasped the implication of Lu Xuan's words. He was being asked to join the Longevity Sovereign's lineage and become an undercover agent within the Immortal Tomb space.

He took a deep breath and said, "Senior saved my life... I am willing to be at your service."

"There's no need to be so formal," Lu Xuan spoke in a relaxed tone. "So, you're willing to join?"

"Yes, Senior," He Zhao responded.

"Good, from now on, I'll be your point of contact for anything that happens. You and I will communicate directly," Lu Xuan decided unilaterally, assigning an extra task to Nangong Xuan.

"Understood, Senior," He Zhao said solemnly.

"Alright, focus your mind. I'm going to transmit the technique to you," Lu Xuan said.

The wooden puppet rose and positioned itself in front of He Zhao's forehead. Once ready, Lu Xuan pointed a finger.
