The Empress is Putting Up a Facade

Shattered Cloud City.

Capital of the Demon Immortal Nation.

As a nation predominantly inhabited by plant spirits, Shattered Cloud City boasted an impressively high level of greenery.

By the time Lu Xuan and Cheng Lingzhu finished grooming and left the imperial palace, it was just past the hour of Chen.

This time of day marked the transition from breakfast to early tea, a somewhat idle period.

To pass the time, Lu Xuan and Cheng Lingzhu visited a shop selling herbal tea.

The shop, a century-old establishment, was managed by a diligent proprietress passionate about developing new beverages.

Before Lu Xuan were two cups of pear juice, freshly squeezed from large, snow-white pears, brimming with a fragrant aroma.

Having spent the previous day indulging in sweets with Ye Banzhuang, Lu Xuan initially hesitated at the sight of these large, white pears.