The Magistrate Has Arrived, Justice is Served!

"Reporting to the lord," Liu Huaiyuan's daughter bowed, "After my examination, both women are capable of producing breast milk, and the pregnancy marks on their abdomens are similar. There is no evidence of fabrication."

This statement caused both the yamen runners and the onlookers to exchange puzzled glances.

"How can both women have given birth?" some murmured.

"Could it be a misdiagnosis?"

"Impossible, how could one mistake milk production and abdominal scars?"

"But a child can't have two mothers..."

"Some are suspecting that Liu Huaiyuan might have been bribed to have his daughter report this..."

"But the magistrate just found this physician randomly, how could there be any prior tampering?"

The crowd outside the yamen whispered among themselves.

At this point, the pressure was on Lu Xuan.