Does the Qingxian Society Also Know How to Investigate Cases?

However, Lu Xuan didn't immediately present the evidence. Instead, he orchestrated a feigned death scenario to emotionally discern the true father of the child. There were two reasons for Lu Xuan's approach. First, it bought time for the investigation and evidence gathering outside the court. Second, it engaged the emotions of the onlookers, making them empathize with Han Xian's situation and recognize their new magistrate as a compassionate and reasonable person, not just a detached figure of authority.

"Commoner Han Xian thanks the lord..." Han Xian knelt down, weeping tears of gratitude. The trial, full of twists and turns, reached its climax with Lu Xuan's decisive intervention.

The mood outside the court shifted significantly. The people, who initially viewed Lu Xuan with distrust and fear, gradually developed respect and admiration for the new magistrate.

Lu Xuan took a sip of tea and announced, "Court is adjourned."
