Damn That Lu Xuan, Actually Dared to Hit My Dog... Well Done!

"He was a scoundrel," Sun Fang said after a long silence.

"Every time he lost money gambling, he would come home and beat my mother. My mother had to do farm work during the day and sew clothes for others at night, often sleeping late."

Sun Fang pursed his lips, "A few days ago, my mother fell ill. The little money we had scraped together for medicine was mostly taken by him... He even considered my mother a liability because she couldn't be used as a betting chip at his gambling table. So, he planned to sell her for gambling money."

Sun Fang lifted his head, "I killed him. If the lord wants to arrest me, I will confess... But I beg to see my mother one last time before I'm taken to prison."

Sun Fang showed no regret for his actions.