I Missed a Goodnight Kiss Yesterday

Qingxian City.

At the Bo Residence.

In a pavilion by the artificial lake, Bo Chang leisurely sipped his tea, surrounded by blocks of ice that emitted a refreshing chill.

"Magistrate Wu Bangde beat up Gu Feng again?" He asked.

"Master, it's true," Bo Kai, standing beside him fanning, confirmed.

"Gu Feng was practically raised by Gu Yang. He's been by his side for many years, almost like an adopted son," Bo Chang shook his head. "This new magistrate dares to do such a thing; he must have offended the Gu family deeply."

"I heard... I heard that last night the magistrate visited the Gu residence," Bo Kai cautiously added.

"After Magistrate Wu left, Master Gu Yang was furious, smashing several household items in anger..."