Lu Xuan: A Righteous Backstab, Punk!

Lu Xuan invited He Youde to join forces with him to deal with the other two major families.

This secret letter was a gamble.

If He Youde chose to use this letter to expose Lu Xuan to the other two family heads, all of Lu Xuan's previous arrangements and efforts would be nullified, leading to a complete loss.

However, Lu Xuan believed he wouldn't lose this bet.

After all, taking advantage of the mutual destruction of the Gu and Bo families and reaping the benefits as the sole ruler of Qingxian City...

This temptation was simply too lethal for He Youde.

After much deliberation, He Youde finally agreed to Lu Xuan's request to form an alliance.

However, having seen Lu Xuan calculate against Gu Yang and then Bo Kai, He Youde did not trust him completely.

Despite numerous previous surveillances, he suspected that Lu Xuan might have an army outside the city.

Therefore, He Youde took precautions.