Is Your Flying Boat Race Always This Extravagant?!

The third group to appear was from the Demon Immortal Nation, seemingly belonging to a species of tree spirits.

Their vehicle was a wooden treasure chariot, unremarkable at first glance.

Then came the fourth group in a red jade radish car, representing the Demon Immortal Nation's vegetable clan.

The fifth group, also from the Demon Immortal Nation, had three drivers, the leader distinguished by a bunch of bananas behind his head.

Even without using his powers, Lu Xuan could tell what kind of spirits had transformed into these forms.

Until this point, the contestants appeared relatively normal.

Then came the sixth group.

Before they even appeared, grand chanting echoed throughout the venue.

After ten breaths, three Buddhist monks, draped in prayer robes and exuding a serene aura, appeared before the crowd.

These monks were wide and chubby, their smiles reminiscent of Maitreya Buddha.