The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Each Displaying Their Mystical Powers!

Almost at the same time.

Thirteen teams, thirteen treasure chariots, launched simultaneously, rushing forward.

"Tok, tok, tok, tok..."

The crisp sound of a wooden fish being hit rang out.

Three masters sat in a large wooden fish, each tapping a smaller wooden fish, controlling the speed of their vehicle through the rhythm of the wooden fish.

"Zing, zing, zing, zing..."

Beside them, in the dazzling, dynamic ox cart, the sound of a guqin resonated loudly.

The three Daoists, sensing hostility from the wooden fish, responded defiantly. The sound waves of the guqin spread, contending with the Buddhist cultivators.

However, leading the charge were Ao Sheng, Ao Yuan, Nalan Yu, and the vegetable clan driver in the radish cart.

"Ladies and gentlemen in the audience, as we can see, the competition has just begun, and it's already intensely fierce,"

The male commentator spoke enthusiastically: