The Battle Between Buddhism and Daoism... Bumping into Everything Will Only Hurt Yourself, Hey!

Perfectly, the fruit landed right between the two who were just an arm's length away.

Without any hesitation, Yuan Qing and Chen Xiangzi opened their mouths and fiercely bit into the fruit!


The good news was they both simultaneously bit into the Five Elements spiritual fruit, foiling each other's plans.

The bad news was this scene of them sharing a fruit was accurately captured by the director.

The audience erupted in astonishment.

"It seems... The relationship between the two contestants is quite good," the male commentator said with a chuckle.

"This scene... I've only seen it at weddings."

The antics of the Buddhist monk and the Daoist brought a climax to the atmosphere in the arena. The audience cheered, the hosts fanned the flames, and the mood was lively.

Unlike the excitement in the audience stands.

The Buddhist-Daoist side suddenly quieted down.

The monk's face twitched slightly.