Invincible Below the Golden Core - The Skin of Cold Jade, The Bones of Glazed Glass

"What is it?"

Lu Xuan asked, curious.

The Mayor stood up, went inside, and brought out a dented iron box. Inside the box was a cubic metal block, about the size of a longan fruit.

"I got this from a wilderness hunter," the Mayor explained, holding the metal block in his palm. "As for its use, it... Can emit light."

The Mayor pinched the metal block between two fingers and shook it three times. A scraping metallic sound was heard as the cube rapidly transformed. Technological patterns emerged on its surface, and the entire block extended outwards in a ring.

At the center of the block, a hole the size of an eyeball appeared. The Mayor tapped it on the table, and a blindingly bright light burst forth from the "eyeball."

The light was intense, brighter than a strong flashlight.