
I broke down on my bedroom floor once I locked myself in.

I never wish to live like this, even after losing my parents, I always have my aunt and uncle and my cousins to hang on to. They are always my safe space. But now, they don't even know if I'm alive or not and all I could hang on to was the little hope in the back of my mind telling me they're trying to find me as of this moment.

It has been a couple of days since the incident where my food is shoved down my throat. Haven't seen the guy at all, not even a glimpse of him.

Is he staying away from me and ignoring me? He better be. Cause I'd hate to see his face after all that.

Why did I even apologize that day? I must be losing my mind. It's not even my fault my stomach can't handle raw food.

I hear a plate smashing upstairs, I peek out from the living room to see another maid coming out of Lucero's office in tears.

"That's the third one today." Jenna yawns and flicks on the sports channel. "Must be tiring working for that tyrant huh?" She laughs lowly.

I bob my head yes and sit beside her, sipping on her juice. She squints her eyes and decides to let me be.

Jenna and I have been bonding with each other. We're basically stuck on the hips now. She says and I quote, "I can't even go if I want to because my job is to make you happy and you've been clinging onto me since yesterday and if I go you start acting like a depressed kid."

So I tell her it's basically a win-win situation for her because other than taking care of me she gets free food and can walk around this huge mansion freely.

I hear a loud bickering sound from upstairs and then see a man walk out the office door stiffly and turn to the stairs, when he walks past the living room, I can see his whole back wet from the sweat he gives out.

"Ooh, the odor must be-" Jenna starts but I close her mouth with my hands before the next word can come out.

"Don't be rude!" I pull her into the couch and start to fiddle with my finger. What if he gets mad at me too?

A loud voice fills the living room, "El Mar requests your presence."

I tense and look at the doorway to see Ángel standing awkwardly. "Right now." He adds, pointing at me.

I nod subtly and once I reach his office, he looks at me for two seconds and then diverts his gaze back down to the pile of paper he's currently reading. "Close the door." He orders to Ángel who follows me suit.

Ángel does as he's told and walks forward, positioning in the corner of the room.

"No, you sit beside her today." Lucero voices out and points to the seats next to the large sofa.

He walks limply towards it and plops himself down, but not before hissing out a loud groan.

"Where's the teacher I ask you to find for her?"

"He can't make it, said he has a meeting or something." Ángel looks at me pleadingly, asking for help.

I shake my head no, and focus my gaze on Lucero's body language.

He stiffens and exhales and then the next thing he does is pull out a gun and point it at Ángel's heart.

My eyes almost fall out of their sockets as I watch the whole thing intently.

"Give me a reason." Lucero says, he doesn't need to elaborate further because we all know what he wants.

A reason for Ángel to not be killed.

He must've deemed him as useless now if he dares to openly threaten him.


Lucero clicks off the safety of the gun and walks slowly in a predatory manner towards Ángel who's now the prey in his little psychopathic game.

"I can give you information about the cloak guy." He rushes out and holds his arms out in front of his chest to prevent the gun from touching his skin.

"Another reason for me to kill you." Lucero shoves his gun further into Ángel's brain. "You've confirmed my suspicion of you working with 'cloak guy' now what should I do with your body? You can choose."

The lean guy hovers over his prey and shoots him a nasty glare. "You wanna be Drogo's food?"

Ángel scrunches his eyebrows in thought, confused about who this Drogo is.

Realization hits Lucero that he hasn't introduced any of us to this 'Drogo'.

He then makes a phone call and we wait for the man.

I hear a loud roar right outside the office and step out of my chair into Lucero's back instinctively. He scoffs unamused and walks out of my reach and into the tiger's embrace.

It swings its tail and jumps up into Lucero's arms as they stand like couples dancing tango.

I can hear Ángel gasps and cowers away but he was soon pulled in front of Drogo's face and the thing sniffs him like a tiger sniffing its food. He gulps loudly the whole room can hear.

Lucero pushes him further and lets Drogo licks his skin, it's like giving him a taste test before the full meal.

The tiger groans in excitement and hops on top of my old friend Ángel.

"Cierra tus ojos." (close your eyes)

Lucero steps back and whispers in my ear. He takes my hand in his and flips me so my back is towards the horrifying scene and my eyes find the beautiful city view outside from his floor to ceiling windows.

I try to hear anything but no sound comes from behind me, I'm curious, but I don't want to die.

A round thing is put on my ears. A headphone!

A few seconds later a song comes on with the highest volume, oh.

I try to ask why he is doing this but before I can turn around, Lucero's body hits my head and his arms puts me in place.

I look up at his sharp features and see him looking down at me with curiosity.

He then manages a small smile. He's satisfied with whatever's happening. I try to peak behind him but he picks me up bridal style shielding me with his coat from whatever's happening.

I smell him deeply, I can't help it. I'm sorry!

He smells like a manly man.

My man.

What the fuck Cara?

You have a crush on him!