
[Lucero's POV]

I pace around my bathroom and wait for my eyes to go back to their normal state.

Why am I still so angry? Stop! Being! Angry! It's nothing. It's nothing!

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in and let a deep breath out.

When I look in the mirror they're gone. Fuck!

That little insult towards Cara makes my blood boil.

There must be something wrong with my body. I have to find Dr. Cruz again.

After calling Dr. Cruz over, he's been examining me with his own power, he is able to heal any wounds but not a broken heart wound. He has this ability to talk with the dead as well but he rarely uses it, because he can die if he tries to use it constantly.

"Nothing is wrong with you." He states after a couple minutes of silently jolting down any information he gets on me.

"Are you sure? My eyes went out of control this time." I push further.

"Or maybe you're in love with the girl." He jokes.

I pull his collar and throw him out of my office, "Don't come back." I shut the door in his face and his laughter boomed outside the door. It must be hilarious for him but for me it's the scariest thing.

Falling in love is the one thing I hope won't happen to me in this lifetime.

A knock on the door irks me to punch whoever's face it is in. "What?"

The man opens the door and closes, cautiously sitting on the chair in front of me. "So, you wanna talk about it?"

Cruz asks and puts his glasses down.

"If you misdiagnose me like that again next time, you'll be dead." I threaten and he shakes slightly.

"Let's start with who she is." He takes out his note and scribbles down the stuff I tell him.

"..then why is she here now if you're not in a rush to conceive an heir yet?" Dr. Cruz taps his pen impatiently on the paper.

"I need to protect her. Because, she is, she is my..." I cringe and stop myself from saying it wholly.

"She's your what?"


He looks at me expectantly and sits on the edge of his chair. "Your soulmate?" He perks up.

I cringe internally and externally for the tenth times and nod.

You see, in my world we have what people call soulmate but I'd like to call it "human" because the term they use is fucking weird. Why would I be destined a soulmate?

Humans were destined a mythical soulmate, and we mythical creatures were destined humans as soulmates, some books said it's to balance us out.

Whatever that means.

And if a soulmate dies you die too, well more or less, it says you won't be the same anymore. I'm not about to find out if I'm going to lose my mind or not if I lose my human.

I've been disgusted by humans ever since I found out that there were humans in our world.

They're the weakest being ever created, they don't have powers, what's special about them? They don't have any ability to scare others away.

So is the universe trying to make us their babysitter? For our whole lives we should just protect them when they're not able to protect themselves?

That sucks if you ask me. I'd rather go around the world, fight battles, gain armies and rule over the whole world by myself. That is the only goal I have in my life, until I'm assigned a soulmate on my eighteenth birthday which was last month.

"How did you find out?" Cruz speaks and writes down more stuff.

"Black water. I was passing by a fountain and the water turned black, giving me a name and face." I took out the contract paper and put it in front of him. "And a contract."

"Wow, the excuse is so fucking lame." He laughs out and pushes the paper back to me.

"Yea, they can't come up with better excuses other than making me need an heir." I push my hair back and look at Cruz. "I kind of told her we're getting intimate in a week."

"Why did you lie?" He gasps.

"I don't know, what if she thinks the contract was not official?" Cruz gives me a knowing look.

"It is not." He corrects and leans back in his chair.

"Whatever." I pour myself a glass of whiskey and down it in one go. "I'm not gonna do it, I was just scaring her."

"Now you're scaring yourself." He replies in a monotone voice. "Maybe tell her the truth. Start with who you are, what your intention is and how you're gonna live."

"I don't want her to get to know me and I don't want to get to know her." I mutter.

"Fine suit yourself." He gets up from his chair and turns on his heel getting out of the office.


The whole evening I spent practicing self introduction without getting mad suddenly or throwing random things on the wall or wanting to kill myself.

It was hell.

I decide to take a walk around the house to clear my mind but halfway back to my room I bump into a small figure, she looks up at me and rolls her eyes walking away.

I don't know what possessed me to do it but at that moment I grabbed her hands.

Hi, my real name is Lucero Reyes but people know me mostly as El Mar, it's the nickname I gained because they say I'm unexpected like the ocean, you don't know when the tsunami is going to hit. I have the ability to stun, command, compel, cause extreme nightmares, and many more. Would you like to be friends?

I blink twice at her not knowing what to say next.

She scrunches her eyebrows in thought before speaking, "What do you want Lucero? I have things to do, don't waste my time." She stomps her feet and waltzes off.

I didn't say it out loud? The whole conversation was in my mind?! Fuck!

I punch a nearby wall and watch the cut on my knuckles bleed out and heal itself.

I'm not about to repeat the whole conversation again! I walk back to my room and decide to just take a shower.