Seeing that the fire had begun to die down, Vernon set to adding logs to the firebox and cleaning up some of the mess left behind from Michaela’s song and dance.
Considering the crowd that had gathered, a number of the guests had offered helping hands, which Vernon had gladly accepted.
Michaela felt truly amazed by the detail Vernon provided during the story. This Detrick sounded like a very interesting man indeed. She could feel the anticipation building inside of her over the prospect of meeting him.
Glancing at the townspeople sitting around her, many of them held funny looks on their faces. Martha and her husband were staringing rather longingly after one another. She noticed a few other couples with similar expressions.
Michaela saw a lot of new faces in the tavern too. With all the seats now taken, some people were even standing in the back. Michaela wondered if any of these new people were Detrick. But she didn’t think so.