Harminy stood with Daphne looking down into the pool. The bright yellow leaves over their heads matched Harminy’s eyes.
“He looks peaceful,” said Daphne.
“Yes,” said Harminy.
“It was wonderful when he was inside of me,” said Daphne.
Harminy gave her an angry look. “Stop bragging! You’re making me jealous!”
Daphne smiled up at her. “Well, maybe if we get him out of there, you can feel him inside of you too.”
“You think?” Harminy asked, hopefully.
“I don’t see why not,” Daphne replied.
They both looked at the sleeping form of Detrick in the volcanic pool. His demon was in there with him too, coiled up by his side.
“Bastian!” Harminy yelled over her shoulder. “Don’t you want to come and see?”
They both looked over their shoulder at the dragon standing behind them.
“He okay?” Sebastian asked in his deep rumble. Speaking as a dragon was much different than speaking as a man. He was still getting used to it.
“Looks fine to me,” said Daphne.