15. Our Secret

I was still lying on the bed. When I saw Ammar's scary expression like that, I wanted to close my eyes and sleep again. I will let myself be a sleeping beauty forever. Rather I woke up to see the figure of the man I loved pointing a sharp wooden sword and ready to kill me.

"Mother, is this what is called saving yourself from danger? Waking up from my sleep and a sharp wooden sword in front of my chest ready to pierce my heart?" I thought to myself.

"It is you," said Ammar, brandishing his sharp wooden sword.

I was stunned in silence on the bed. From the words, it seemed like he knew I was the vampire. What can I say, all this time the person I was wary of was Layzal, not Ammar. Because I think Layzal is a clever detective. Meanwhile, Ammar is a CEO, so he can't be the culprit.

Apart from that, as a CEO, he should be more busy in his company and not bother digging holes and making garlic traps. But all that was just my opinion because, in reality, he managed to capture me with his extraordinary idea. I also remembered that at that time he would help Layzal to catch me. Now I'm confused about whether he made the garlic trap alone or with Layzal.

After being silent for a long time on the bed, I finally dared to sit up. When I wanted to sit down, Ammar's right hand which was holding the sword followed my every move.

"Garlic?" I said quietly. I just realized that I was sleeping on a mattress sprinkled with garlic.

It is different with someone who sprinkles red roses on the bed to show their romance to their lover. Ammar sprinkled garlic on the mattress to kill his best friend. Maybe I was too dangerous because not only was the mattress filled with garlic, but Ammar was also wearing a garlic necklace and bracelet. Maybe it was also the garlic necklace and bracelet he wore to protect himself from my bite, and the red chili seed in his left hand to stab my eye.

"Now you know who I am. If you want to kill me, go ahead!" I said while looking at him. I surrender if this is the end of my life. Let me die in the hands of Ammar, the person I love. Then I die at the hands of strangers.

"If I wanted you to die, then I would have let you die in the garlic trap. Now it is not your death that I want, but your honesty.

"Why are you here and what is your purpose in living in this world?" asked Ammar with a slightly angry face.

"Ammar, it's true that I'm the vampire, but I didn't mean to kill or injure humans. I'm here because I don't want to live in the wilderness alone. I live because there are people who love me and people I love. I live because I want to know things and learn them. So that I can do all the things, I want to do. I live because other people want me, and I want them to live with me.

"Believe me, my purpose in living in this world is not to kill humans, Ammar. My goal in life in this world is just to build a loving and happy family. Yes, my goal is to live a long life, build a family, and be happy with him," I said in disbelief that I could say something like this because my true goal is to become a vampire queen.

"You are lying!" said Ammar in a rather loud voice.

"Ammar, I didn't lie to you. I may sound cheesy, but for me, being able to spend my whole life with the person I love is my goal, and it makes me happy.

"Life is too short to only focus on unclear goals. Therefore, I am starting to focus on happiness now. "So it's clear that killing humans is not my goal because by killing humans, I'm not happy," I tried to convince Ammar.

Hearing my explanation, Ammar was silent for a moment. Then he lowered his right hand holding the sword to his side. Next, he removed some of the garlic that was near me. Then he sat beside me and looked at me.

"Ela, is that all? You don't want to tell me your origins and your name? There's no way that Elaine is your real name. It's also impossible for you to forget where you live," said Ammar in a low voice.

"Ammar, actually my name is not Elaine but Selene. I come from the Lore Lindu forest not far from Lago Village. While in the forest, I lived with my mother, Lucinda. Meanwhile, my father, Lazarus, is no longer alive. My mother is a vampire and my father is an ordinary human. Even so, I was born as an ordinary human.

"However, for whatever reason, on my 21st birthday, Mother told me the secret that she was a vampire, before leaving me. And just so you know, my Mother left without telling me where she was going. Apart from that, I also don't know, why Mom wants me to become a vampire, even though my Mom knows that humans hate vampires. Whether she wants her child to live in danger or something, I don't know what my mother's goal is.

"So, if you feel hurt or lied to by me, I understand what you feel because I experienced it myself. But you have to know that not all lies are bad. Sometimes we lie because it's for the good. Like me, I lied because I still wanted to live in this world. But now you know who I am. My life and death are in your hands, Ammar," I said softly, looking at Ammar.

Ammar just smiled at my words, and then he stood up and went outside. Meanwhile, I was still sitting on the bed in the room still feeling weak. However, not long afterward he returned with a glass of blood.

"Ela, I know a glass of blood is not enough to restore all your strength, but at least this can fill your stomach, so you don't starve," said Ammar while handing me a glass of blood.

"Thank you, Ammar," I accepted it happily, then drank it. When I drank the blood, I looked very greedy. I don't even care if there is poison in the blood. Besides, dying from poisoning seems better than being stabbed with a wooden sword.

"Ammar, this is human blood. Where did you get this blood?" I asked curiously because the blood I drank was not animal blood but human blood.

"Oh that, I took it at Lago Hospital. Don't worry, Ela, I didn't steal. I paid for it," he answered, smiling at me.

I smiled at him. After that, I asked about garlic traps. Because I'm still thinking about whether he is alone or collaborating with Layzal. I have to know the truth.

"Ammar, did you do this trap alone or with others? When you work together with other people, that person will automatically know what my weakness is and how to kill me. Besides, how did you know about my weakness? Ammar, do you know, I do not know my weakness," I said in a sad voice.

"Ela, you have a thousand questions and I only have one answer, which is don't worry. Don't worry because I did all this myself. I'm not a killer. I will take care of you as hard and as much as I can. I promise you that I will never tell anyone about your identity. Let all this be a secret between us," said Ammar, holding my hand and smiling.

We sat on the bed looking at each other and smiling.