17. I Get Caught

Luckily Leni didn't talk much yesterday. She also did not suspect that Ammar said the wrong thing. Ammar should have told them I fell in the river at night, not in the afternoon. It was because of that night that I got caught in the garlic trap. 

But all that has passed, and now I enjoy my days at Ammar's house with a calm and happy heart. Relax because I don't have to play hide and seek when I drink animal blood. Happy because I live with the person that I love. And I want to be like this forever.

But there is something I'm worried about. I'm worried that Ammar will hate me if he finds out I still need human blood to consume. Apart from that, I feel indebted to him because he took the time to look after me when I was helpless. That's why I don't want to disappoint him.

I didn't tell him the truth because I'm a vampire who thirsts for human blood. As I am now, I'm still weak even after drinking animal blood. I still want to live in this world. Now, I have to play hide and seek with him when I want to find prey. I won't let myself be caught sneaking out of Ammar's house. I believe I can.


I left the room and then went downstairs. After that, I saw Ammar sitting at the dining table. He was eating peanut butter and strawberry sandwiches. Seeing him having breakfast, I approached him.

"Good morning, Ammar," I greeted and smiled at him.

"Morning, Ela," he replied and smiled. Then he said, "I hope you slept well last night and feel better than I did this morning. I couldn't sleep last night because I thought about you."

I sat in front of him smiling and blushing at his words. So he couldn't sleep all night because he thought about me. I also wondered what he thought about me. Therefore, I tried to look and read his mind, but unfortunately, I couldn't. Maybe it's because my strength hasn't recovered yet. Besides, I haven't drunk human blood since my energy was drained by garlic.

I can't afford to wait for the full moon to arrive because I need human blood right now. Therefore, I must find an excuse to leave the house. Since I can't fly, change shape, and disappear, I'll ask permission to go for a walk. But before I ask permission, I'll ask him what he thinks of me.

"Ela Ela, hello hello!" Ammar waved his hands in front of my face.

"Hmm. Yes, Ammar, what's wrong?" I asked still blushing.

"What's wrong with you? You're already daydreaming early in the morning. What are you thinking about?" Ammar asked with a smile.

"I didn't think anything, Ammar. I feel happy every morning I can accompany you for breakfast. Sorry, Ammar, because of me-- you couldn't sleep last night. But if I may ask, are you thinking about me or just teasing me?"

"Oh, so that is what you think. It's good you are tempted by my words," Ammar said, laughing.

"What do you mean, Ammar? Could it be that you said last night that thinking about me was just a joke?"

"Of course not. Last night, and even until this moment, I was thinking about you. Today I have to go to Lago Hospital, and you are at home alone. Indeed, you don't need food or drink, but with you still in such a weak condition that makes me worried."

"So because you're worried about my weak condition, you can't sleep?"

"Yes. What do you think it's because of that?" Ammar asked while looking at me.

Now we looked at each other and my heart skipped a beat. Because I was afraid my heart would stop, I lowered my head for a moment. Then I looked at him again and said, "Ammar, you don't need to worry because I'm fine."

"But you're still pale like that."

"Yeah, but I'm better now. I even want to go for a walk. So that I don't get bored." I smile.

"If you want to go for a walk tomorrow, I'll accompany you. Right now I can't accompany you. What if something happens to you?"

"Trust me, Ammar, I will be fine. If there's any danger, I'll contact you immediately. Ammar, please-please, I'm bored at home alone. I won't go far. I'll go to Huge Park," I whined asking him for permission.

"Okay, but if anything happens you have to call me and don't come home late at night," said Ammar, permitting me.

"Thank you, Ammar, you are kind," I thanked him.

"Yes, you're welcome. Would you like to go with me?" asked Ammar, who was ready to go to Lago Hospital.

"No, Ammar, thank you. "You go first. I'll go later this afternoon," I answered happily.

"Why later in the afternoon? Even though walking in the park in the morning is more beautiful and cool. Moreover, if there is wind, you can breathe in the fresh air and the fragrant flowers blooming in the garden," said Ammar.

"It's okay, Ammar, walking in the park in the afternoon is also beautiful. There must be a wind that blows the flowers blooming in the garden, so I can still breathe fresh air even in the afternoon."

"Okay, it's up to you, as long as you are happy," said Ammar, then rushed to Lago Hospital.

"Finally, I'm free," I thought as I waved at Ammar. After Ammar went to Lago Hospital, I spent my time at home waiting for the afternoon.

It feels good to be able to go for a walk alone. That way, I have more freedom to do whatever I want such as looking for prey.


"The time I have been waiting for has arrived. I rushed to Huge Park, riding public transportation. I went to the park by bus because Ammar's house and Huge Park were very close. About three bus stops from Ammar's house, and I can't deny that my stomach growled when I got on the bus. Not because I hadn't had breakfast but because of the human smell. The sour and rancid smell mixed made me even hungrier. Now and then, I squeeze my nose and try not to breathe. Occasionally, I hold my mouth to make sure my fangs don't come out.

"Damn, why does it smell even better? Why are you guys talking all the time, and can't keep quiet?" I thought because almost all the passengers were chatting. I feel annoyed because when they talk the smell is unavoidable. The sour, rancid, and sweet smell is getting worse. Luckily, it was only three bus stops. If it was more than that, I might not have been able to control my lust.

"Finally, I'm here," I muttered as I couldn't wait to get off the bus.

I started walking towards Huge Park. After arriving at Huge Park, I sat on a chair while looking at the red roses. I waited for the afternoon to turn into the evening.


Without realizing it, night has arrived. I walked along the park and the road, but still no prey. After walking for a long time on the side of the main road near the park, I finally saw a pickpocket. However, I did not catch it and made it my prey because I knew I was still weak and unable to catch or fight him. I did not call the police for help because if I call and ask for help, all my plans will fail. I did not get the prey. Therefore, I let him go, and I looked for other prey. After that, I then walked towards Club Euphoria.

I went to the club because my prey was at Club Euphoria. At Club Euphoria, a lot of people were drunk. That way, I didn't have to bother fighting it. I just need to guard myself from being tarnished by those who are impudent. When I arrived at the Club, all eyes were on me. Not because I wear sexy clothes, make-up too much, and wear high heels. But because I was wearing a long-sleeved nightgown. My long hair was loose, my face was without make-up, and I was wearing fitflop sandals. I was standing on the dance floor.

I stood and smiled until a masher man greeted me. I will not miss this moment. I will immediately respond to all the suggestions he gives.

"Come on girl, sit over there," he invited me, pointing to an empty chair. Then he said, "Let me accompany you. Don't stand here alone."

"Sure," I said, smiling at him. Not only did I smile, but I also winked, trying to tease him.

Even though I'm not as beautiful as an angel, my young face can trick him. We sat together and I was being flirtatious.

"Sir, this is more to drink," I told him to drink alcoholic drinks.

"Here, you should drink too!" he asked me.

"No, Sir, if both of us are drunk, who will take us to our room? So, Sir, just drink it. I'll take you to the room later," I said, still teasing him.

"That's right," he smiled to himself.

After he was very drunk, I asked the Club Euphoria staff for help, to help me take the philandering man to a taxi. Then I took him to the Abundance Hotel. I didn't check in at the hotel, just looked for a quiet place near the hotel. Because it just so happened that the surrounding area of ​​the hotel was quiet there were only empty houses and plantations.

Right next to the hotel, when the atmosphere was quiet--I took action. I bit and sucked his blood.

"Finally, hahaha," I laughed satisfactorily like a devil.

"Well done, Ela! What happened tonight is gone, and tomorrow I belong," I said to start a new day tomorrow morning. Then I disappeared back to Ammar's house.

"Ela?!" Ammar was in my room.

I stood stunned to see Ammar sitting on the bed. He saw my blood-stained mouth.