Can't Leave

Haoyu watched in shock at how quickly I closed the distance between us, he suddenly shook off his surprise as he remembered that he had to raise his guard but it was too late as my fist was already planted in his stomach forcing him back a couple of steps. He grabbed his stomach with both hands and knelt on one knee.

"Lucky shot, asshole-" He said but he suddenly stopped talking once he looked up to see me directly in front of him. I had my right leg in the air ready to drop my foot in an axe kick directly to his head. The look on my face was dark and there wasn't any light in my eyes.

"That's enough!!" I heard a loud voice which broke my attention from the kneeling Haoyu and I stopped my attack to look where the voice came from, I turned around to see my homeroom teacher Mr. Thomas looking at us both with an irritated look.

I diverted my eyes from our teacher and looked around me and I saw a small gathering of students and teachers that had left their classes. It seemed that our little fight had drawn attention without me noticing, I turned my gaze back to Haoyu who had a frightened look in his eyes, He seemed to have noticed that I genuinely intended to bash his skull in.

'Just my luck it's literally my first day and I have already drawn a shit ton of attention to myself, and it's not the good kind either.' I sighed and shook my head.

'Oi, Oi! What are you doing? Let's kill this bastard already!!' 

'Shut up' I said to the annoying voice in my head and turned my gaze to Mr. Thomas who started approaching Haoyu and me.

Haoyu got up and stood beside me giving me a side-eyed glare I ignored it and watched our teacher approach us until he directly stood before us.

"Care to explain what's going on?" He said to us with his hands crossed before his chest while also glaring down at us.

"Well… he started it," I said as I pointed my thumb at Haoyu who stood to my right. Haoyu on the other hand looked away staring out into space as if he had nothing to do with the whole situation.

When I saw that one of my eyebrows twitched in irritation and I wanted to plant my fist upside his head, How dare he act like this had nothing to do with him?

Mr. Thomas stared at both of us with a deadpan look then sighed and began rubbing his forehead.

"Forget it I don't even want to know anymore, I feel like I would burst a blood vessel if I found out the reason you both were fighting. Follow me." The teacher said before turning around and started walking.

Seeing this Haoyu and I glanced at each other and then started following the teacher.


I was sitting in a chair in the principal's office with my legs crossed, my arm resting on the armrest, with my chin in my palm. Sitting on another chair beside me was Haoyu with his arms folded and his head turned in the opposite direction.

I could feel the piercing eyes of our principal looking directly at us from across her office desk, I turned my gaze toward her to find out she was looking at me with a chilling gaze when I made eye contact.

She looked at me for a few seconds before eventually letting out a sigh and then began to speak.

"It's not even been an entire hour an yet here you are back in my office. Care to explain to me why are you here Jonathan?" She said while interlocking her fingers while moving her eyes back and forth between me and Haoyu.

"Like I said before it wasn't my fault all I did was use the restroom and when I exited this idiot attacked me."

"Who are you calling an idiot you retard!?"

"Are you deaf? You're the only idiot here, Idiot!" 

"That's enough of both of you." Mrs. Walter's voice interrupted our bickering drawing our attention back to her.

"Since this is your first day I'll give you some slack. The both of you will stay back after school to clean your classroom. Consider that your detention." She said with an intense gaze of her eyes glaring at the both of us.

"But he's the one who-" I tried to plead my case but was cut off by her voice once more.

"This isn't a request, Mr. Tier, do you understand?" She said while looking me dead in the eye.

"Yes ma'am," I replied to her to which she gave a slight smile and got up from around her desk and walked towards the office door, and opened it 

"Now both of you head back to class." She said looking back at us and holding the door open. We both got up and walked past her exiting the office. As I walked past her I once again heard her voice.

"Oh and Mr. Tier, I hope I don't see you back in my office anytime soon." She said and I looked back at her and nodded before I walked away with Haoyu, none of us saying anything to each other as we made our way back to class.


As we entered the class we could hear the whispers of our classmates, they already seemed to have heard about our little fight. I looked toward the teacher's desk and I could see Mr. Thomas sitting with his arms crossed he seemed to be sitting with us for self-study due to the teacher who was supposed to be here being absent.

"Both of you have a seat." He said glancing at the both of us to which we nodded and started to make our way towards our respective seats.

As we sat down we could feel the gazes of our classmates on us. I looked towards Victoria at the front of the class and saw her looking at me, she had a deadpan look on her face. She then let out a sigh and turned around.

'What's her deal?' I thought to myself seeing her reaction, I then shrugged and placed my head on my desk dreading the long day ahead of me.

The hours passed and the final bell of the day rang. The teacher who was at the whiteboard stopped reading out of the thick textbook he had in his hand and then closed it.

"That's it for today's class we'll continue where we left off in our next class." Our history said to us as he started to pack his things to leave.

Our class's door opened and Mr. Thomas entered he stood in front of the class and our history teacher made his exit.

" All of you can leave however Mr. Yang and Mr. Tier please stay behind." Mr. Thomas said to the entire class which caused the students to look back at us and start whispering among themselves.

They quickly gathered their belongings and started exiting the room while gossiping with their friends on the way out.

Victoria was the last person to exit the class as she made her way to the door she looked back at me and our eyes met. We stared at each other for a few seconds until a voice called out to her from the hallway

"You coming or not Vic?" 

"Coming" She replied to her friend as she made her exit. Seeing this I remembered that she wanted to speak with me but she seemed to have left. I didn't ponder on this too long due to Mr. Thomas's drawing my attention.

"You can come in now." He said and a few seconds later two men came in with a mop bucket, broom, sponges, and a smaller bucket filled with water. By the way, they dressed, they seemed to be janitors.

"You can put those down right here and take your leave, thanks for the help." The teacher said to the men who came in, they nodded and placed their baggage down beside Mr. Thomas then made their exit.

"I want the both of you to sweep and wipe the entire class, clean the windows and the whiteboard. I'll be back to check on you both within the next 30 minutes to an hour." The teacher said to us before he turned around and made his exit.

We both got up and made our way toward the front of the class, Haoyu picked up the bucket and one of the sponges and made his way to the whiteboard.

"I'll clean the whiteboard and mop the class and you'll wipe the windows down and sweep the class. How about that?" He suggested to me and I shrugged and grabbed the broom walked to the back of the class, and started sweeping from there and Haoyu began wiping the whiteboard.

After that, the sound of sweeping could be heard in the room, apart from that an awkward silence enveloped the room since none of us said anything to each other, however after 5 minutes passed the silence was broken as Haoyu began to speak.

"Just, so you know I would have kicked your ass if we weren't interrupted." 

"As if I'd lose to someone who gets scared with just a little murderous intent," I said recalling our little fight from this morning. 

"Murderous intent?" He stopped what he was doing and turned and looked at me with a questioning look.

"You know? Killing intent, the intent kill? The fact that you don't even know that, proves how much of an amateur you are when it comes to fighting." I said to him with a deadpan look on my face,

"Of course, I know what killing intent is but why are you fighting with the intent to kill?"

"The real question is why wouldn't you fight with the intent to kill?" 

We both stopped what we were doing and Haoyu looked at me with a serious look on his face, there were a few seconds of silence before Haoyu started talking again.

"What if you killed someone that's a crime you know?"

"Then it is what it is." 

"But you would go to prison wouldn't your mom be sad?"

"I don't have a mom." Silence once again washed over the room once I said that a shocked look appeared on Haoyu's face for a few seconds before he shook it off and asked.

"What about your Dad then? Surely he would-"

"I don't have one either." I cut him off before he could finish his question, a blank expression once again appeared on my face and I turned around and continued sweeping the class.

Silence filled the room again as Haoyu struggled to find the words to reply to my statement earlier.

"Let me make this clear to you I don't need your nor anyone else's pity." I turned to him with a glare in my eyes.

"Whatever," He said as he scoffed and turned around, and we both continued cleaning the class.

After a few minutes of silence as we cleaned my voice resonated in the room as I asked him a question.

"Hey, you seemed trained. Tell me what kind of martial arts do you practice?"

"I learned boxing, self-defense, and a little kung fu from my uncle." He answered with a little nostalgic voice as if he was reminiscing something.

"How about you? What arts do you practice?" He asked as he once again turned to me.

"A lot" I replied lethargically

"Why ask if you weren't going to reveal anything yourself, you bastard!" Haoyu shouted at me with an irritated look on his face.

"Glad to see the both of you are getting along." A voice suddenly drew our attention and we turned to Mr. Thomas at the door.

He walked in and then started to look all over the class as if he were inspecting it, his gaze suddenly turned to us.

"You both did a wonderful job cleaning our classroom, I'm sure your classmates will be happy to see it tomorrow." He said with an obnoxious smile on his face,

"Too bad you guys started to get along I would love for the both of you to clean the classroom every day like this." He sounded once more which caused both our eyes to twitch in irritation,

"Are we free to leave?" I asked to which he turned to me and smiled before he answered.

"Yes, you're free to go. See you both tomorrow." He said before turning to leave.

We both turned to glance at each other for a few seconds before grabbing our bags and heading towards the door.

Haoyu was the first to step out the door but he stopped in his tracks when he noticed someone leaning on the wall beside the door.

"You?" He said before shrugging and walking off like it had nothing to do with him. When I exited the room I noticed who Haoyu was talking to.

Victoria had her arms crossed in front of her chest and her back leaned against the wall. She turned and looked at me from head to toe then turned around.

"Follow me," She said before she started walking. I looked at her walking away with a deadpan and annoyed look as I heard a loud laugh in my head.