Three weeks later

I can't continue going to that college, I have to focus on training my body to handle my power. I've spent my weekdays creating potions to continue repairing my body from the use of my abilities, but It is starting to catch up to me and pretty soon I won't be able to continue repairing myself.

I need to return to my tower in the alternate dimension I created a millennia ago, to start turning this body into something not mortal and into the body of a goddess. I'll be gone from this mortal realm for a little over two months, the quickest fix for me to be able to do this is to drop out of the university. It's not like I have any interest in pursuing a degree anymore, plus this process will age this body up from 20 to 28.

Me:" Good morning Jen, I wanted to talk to you about something."

She looked over at me as she was getting ready to head out for work.

Jen:" Good morning hun, what's on your mind?"

Me:" I dropped out of college, I know you and my parents would not approve of this but I'm branching out on my own starting today. I'm moving out, don't worry I will be in Urdova still but I just can't continue on the path that I am on now."

She dropped her jacket on the floor and walked up to me looking frustrated.

Jen:" I don't think you are making smart choices here Katerina."

Me:" I understand your concern, but I know what I am doing and I will prove it to you in two months."

Jen:" I don't have time for this Kat, I got work."

She picked up her jacket and stormed out of the house.

I'll just leave Nat a note and text the group and Eric.

I texted Eric: "Good morning puppy, I just wanted to give you a heads up. I dropped out of Uni and I'll be gone for around two months. Don't worry, I've left you several vials for you to take in my dresser you will just have to sneak into my bedroom to get them. I left my window unlocked so that should help you."

Me texting the Group:" I've dropped out, and I'll be gone for two months. I'll contact you guys when I'm back."

I went out through the backdoor and started drawing a circle in the background with some of the potions I had been working on. I sat inside the circle, my eyes black as night and the blood streaming down my face started pooling under me until it filled the circle. I started my incantation which sounded like Latin but in reverse at two times the speed, I continued the incarnation until the blood started to encapsulate my body.

As soon as the blood closed me off from the word, I was teleported to Hecate's tower.

Me:" Let the work begin."

2 Months Later

Stavros a vampire POV

It's been over two millennia since I was reanimated as a Vrykolakas, or what we know today as a vampire, by the revered goddess Hecate. She was the patroness of witchcraft, magic, and necromancy in Ancient Greece, and was often depicted as a three-headed goddess who could see in all directions.

While people didn't know who my goddess actually was, the other two heads were two large werewolves bigger than any others, and her beauty was beyond comparison. I miss her darkened and bloody eyes. I can't help but wonder where my master could be. I'm leaving New York to investigate the power emanating from Urdova.

Eric's POV 1 Month Prior

I'm sure glad she left me these vials they seem to stabilize my craving for blood, although I still go and pillage livestock whenever It becomes too much for me.

My body had changed completely I went from being 5'10 to 6'3 in such a short time and not only that my weight has gone from 170 to 220 as well. My family thinks it's just some freak development, and I started lifting weights regularly just to make it seem more plausible for them. When will Katerina come back I wonder, she said two months but time is dragging for me.

Not being with her is starting to make me really depressed, I've continued going to my classes and it was harder dealing with everything's shock there at my change in appearance. I continued visiting Kat's home, as Aaron, and Natalie and I have started to become friends. I just want her to hurry back home, I'm not who I was and hopefully, she won't see me as just a puppy anymore.

Eric:" You called for me?" I need to address this now before Kat comes back and treats me like a puppy.

Sebastian: "Why haven't you been coming to the estate with the rest of the pack?"

I could tell that he was angry, but I didn't care.

Eric:" Because I am no longer a part of your pack."

Sebastian:" Huh? What do you mean? You are a werewolf because of me."

I couldn't help but laugh, I approached him and his eyes widened seeing how much bigger than him I am now.

Eric:" You aren't a werewolf old man, let me show you what a real werewolf is."

I started changing, my body contorting and growing more muscle and fur.

As my mouth elongated large sharp rows of teeth burst through the skin showcasing themselves in my mouth.

Sebastian fell to the floor, scared like an actual puppy as he transformed into a wolf.

Eric:" Do you see the difference pup? I could pick my teeth with your spine."

Sebastian:" What has that witch done to you? wait, I don't want to know just don't kill me, I will leave Urdova."

Eric:" You can take the pack members that want to leave with you, those who stay will join my pack, an actual werewolf pack."

1 month later

Kat's POV

Oh, it's good to finally be back in Urdova, those two months were actually a hundred years for me although I only aged 8 years making me now 28. I hadn't gotten much taller than what I already was just going from 5'4 to 5'8 and my body was just as fit as it was before if not a little more.

The thing that really changed a lot was my understanding of witchcraft and my body's ability to hold the magnitude and sheer force of my powers. Before I left I remember I told Jen that I would be moving out, well It looks like I should find a place to live for now. Who needs money when you have magic?