Eric's POV

2 hours before Kat's house party...

I can't believe Kat just texted me, it's been a little over two months since I last saw her. I miss her so much, oh wow I'm just standing in my living room looking at the notification I wonder what she has to say.

Kat: "Hey puppy, I bet you have missed me so much these past couple of months. To be honest it has been a literal one hundred years for me, since I was off training in an alternate dimension that I created and you can argue that I also missed you, probably more in fact. At first, I was just focused on my training but as the time continued to drag by I found myself extremely lonely in my own dimension. I really do miss you, I know that I have been pretty cruel and heartless in the past but I hope you can look past that. I do care about you in a way, and I am definitely missing your warm embrace. Anyways I wanted to invite you to my new townhouse, I also have something important that I want to ask you once you are here, love - Kat."

I couldn't help but to start blushing, I sat there flustered rereading what she wrote me over and over before I could figure out what to type back.

I said, "Hi! Yeah, it's been forever! Has it really been a hundred years? How are you still alive? Sorry, we can talk about this later tonight, I'm going to start getting ready before I head over, um.....Love - Eric.."

Oh gosh, I hope I didn't sound too cheesy or desperate, I just really want to see her! My girl is back!

I quickly jumped in the shower to get nice and clean before I head over to her house, I can't believe she has a house now, I wonder how she was able to get one without a job. She must have used her magic, witches man! They sure have a lot of life hacks.

I finished taking a nice brisk shower to get my blood pumping, made sure to shave my beard, and just give it a nice clean-up. "I have to look good!" I said to myself.

I finished brushing my teeth and headed into my bedroom to start getting dressed. "I should probably dress nice, I'm not sure if she's planning something with everyone tonight," I said out loud.

I picked out a nice dress shirt and navy blue dickies, "This should be nice enough!" I said to myself.

Someone started knocking on my bedroom door as I was just about to head out.

Mom, " Eric, dinner is ready, you coming?" She asked.

I said, "Sorry Mom, I'm heading over to my girlfriend's house for dinner now."

Oops, I hadn't told her about Kat yet.

Mom, "Wait, you have a girlfriend, what is her name?"

I said, "Her name is Kat, I'll present you to her some other time Mom, but I got to get going now I don't want to be late."

Mom, "Bring her by tonight, I'd like to meet her."

I left the house and quickly got into my car, revving the engine all the way down the road. Hmm her house isn't too far from here but it is closer to downtown. I kept driving down the road until I found her townhouse, It's very pretty wow. "Dang, who's cars are those, sick beemers!"

I walked up to the door, It looked like her aunt Jen and Natalie had arrived just before me. I started knocking on the door nervously, I couldn't wait to see her beautiful face and even for her to call me .....puppy...

Back to the present time,

Kat's POV

I said, "Everyone welcome to my new townhouse, I literally just rented it out two weeks ago. So to catch you all up on what has happened since you last saw me, I was scouted by a publishing company up in NYC and they flew me out to meet the publishers and work with some of their authors. Needless to say, they were blown away by my writing abilities and they are paying me really well. I also purchased the two cars you all saw outside, but anyways now I'm back in Urdova and I'm here to stay so don't worry you won't have to miss me any longer."

Everyone was seating in the dining room, eating and drinking together.

Nat, "Kat, you disappeared for two months and then reappear as a wealthy publisher, editor, or whatever you are, what the heck! Girl I missed you!"

Lily, "We really did miss you! We are so glad that you are back home!"

Eric, "I also missed you..."

I couldn't help but laugh, apparently, I am surrounded by people that love and care about me even though I did put a couple of them well just my friends under a spell when we first hung out.

I said, "I'm happy to be home guys, please you know how I am, you guys are all being too nice. Also, Puppy, you don't look like a puppy anymore...you look like a full-grown wolf-man now! I'm really liking it, may I have another kiss?"

Jen, "Get a room you two!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "I got us a whole house for that, haha, So guys what do you think about me and Eric living together? You think he can handle living with a psychopath twenty-four-seven?"

Everyone just started laughing as they lifted their cups for a toast.

Eric, "I'll be fine...I love being with you, it's fulfilling."

Awe, my little puppy is all grown up now, so cute!

I said, "Duh, you will be fine, I did pick you after all, you are the man for me."

His face started turning bright red as he sat there next to me blushing.

I couldn't help but hold his hand underneath the table to reassure him.

"I....honestly..think that I love....you"

I can't believe I just told him that, oh god what the f-.

He instantly fell on one knee on the floor.

"Well then, will you be my —-" Eric, asked.

I immediately helped him back up and stopped him from finishing his question.

I said, "No, stop being silly! It's way too soon for that, ask me again in a couple of years and we will see but for now let us just enjoy being girlfriend and boyfriend. Plus we are now living together so that's pretty serious as is, and who knows you might just find me unbearable or you might get bored of me."

Jen, "Kat is right Eric, it is way too soon for you to be proposing to her, but it is very cute to know that you see a future with her. Please continue caring about her, she is a spoiled brat but she has a big heart and I can't promise you that she won't be weird but she will definitely be worth it."

I said, "Dang, you are definitely hyping me up! I don't think I'm all that."

Everyone started laughing around the dining room table.

As the night came to a close everyone left besides Eric.

Eric, "So um..babe..do you mind if we go by my parent's house so I can introduce you and you can help me tell them that I'm moving in with you...?"

Oh jeez, I didn't even think about that, I suppose I should probably help him.

"Yeah, um let me get changed really quick I don't want your parents to think I'm so weirdo." I quickly ran upstairs to put on something a little more casual yet nice enough to set a good impression on his parents.

Eric waited for me downstairs as I got dressed.

"By the way love, is that your car or your parent's loaner?" I asked.

Eric, "Yeah it's actually my mom's car but she lets me use it for school and stuff, why?"

"Return it to her, you can have the BMW SUV I bought, it's yours. Let's head to your parents, you can go in her car so you can return it and I'll follow you in your new car." I said.

Eric, "Wow, you bought me a car!?"

"Well yeah, I did make you wait two months, but I did make it match mine, I hope that's okay..." I went up to him and gave him a big kiss while he held me tightly.

Eric, "I seriously love you! Not cause of the car...I mean in general, but I can't lie I am pretty psyched about the car. Haha."

I said, "Well let us go, love, before it gets late."

I followed him in my car until we made it to his parent's house, okay I need to be on my best behavior, I can't act weird around his parents. Fortunately being in that dimension for a hundred years has definitely matured me, I mean don't get me wrong I still am fascinated by death and what my aunt would label as weirdness but now I am a lot better at keeping it under control.

Eric opened the front door and we stepped inside his parent's house, his mom and dad were sitting in the living room watching the news.

Eric, "Mom, Dad, this is Katerina, my girlfriend."

Mom, "Oh hi, Katerina my name is Shannon, It's so nice to meet you finally!"

Dad, "Nice to meet you Katerina, nice to see my son isn't a failure with the ladies, my name is Dixon by the way."

I said," Hi, sorry for interrupting you guys so late. It's a pleasure to meet the parents of this wonderful man, I just wanted to say that I know we haven't met before but I truly love your son and he has been such a good boyfriend."

Shannon, "I'd like to say that we did a good job at raising him! It's so nice that you are here."

Eric, "So guys, Kat asked me to move in with her today during dinner and I decided to accept her invitation. I just wanted to let you guys know, we are going to take some of my things now but I'll make sure to text you guys my new address tomorrow."

Dixon, "Wow, we just met and you guys are suddenly moving in together, don't you think that's strange?"

It looks like Eric is going to need my help for this to go smoothly and I just don't have the patience to woo them normally, time to use my magic. I approached both of them as my eyes began to dark, no blood ran down my cheeks this time as I had learned to control the pooling effect.

I said, "You will both be very happy that your son is moving in with his loving girlfriend, Mr.Dixon, help your son pack his things and put them in the car."

Dixon, "Let me help you get your things in the car son."

40 minutes later

I handed Eric the keys to his new car and hopped in the passenger seat, he started driving us back to our home.

Eric, "Did you really have to use your magic to make it work out like that?"

Awe he is still such an innocent puppy even though now he looks so imposing.

"Don't worry, it has no negative effects on your parents, I just didn't think it was going to work out without magic...I mean to be fair you could have told them about me two months ago, but anyways it's okay. How about I make it up to you, I know we have had sex once before but you've never fucked me as an actual goddess. Want to try?" I asked flirtatiously.

His face got all flustered again as he reached to hold my hand with his left hand.

Eric, "I would love it! Wait..you are a goddess?"

"I'm a goddess and you are a werewolf, sounds kinky right?" I joked.