Katerina and Kassandra walk into the Biopharm building, admiring the sleek modern design of the lobby. They reach the front desk and are directed to the Human Resources department. Katerina fills out all of her employment paperwork while Kassandra signs a non-disclosure agreement and is given access to the labs to work alongside her sister.

(Ah shit, time to pretend like I know what the f- I'm doing, good thing I have magic on my side)

After HR, they are greeted by the product manager, Gregory Simmons. He introduces himself and shows them the labs, explaining the research that is being done to create new vaccines for various viruses. Katerina is impressed by the technology and the research being done and asks lots of questions about the trials and vaccines.

(He definitely looks like he's a pushover)

Gregory is happy to answer her questions and goes into detail about the various trials and vaccines. He explains how they're testing a new vaccine for a virus called "Zyklon" that has been spreading rapidly in certain parts of the world. He also tells her about a new treatment they're developing for an autoimmune disease called "Lupusia".

(I've never heard of either of these)

After the tour, Gregory takes them up to Katerina's new office. Katerina is thrilled to see that it's a huge 2000-square-foot office with a view of the city. She takes a seat at her desk by the window wall and admires the view.

(Damn! This office is nice!)

Kassandra takes a seat at her smaller desk by the entrance of the office, looking around in awe. "Wow, this place is amazing."

Katerina grins. "I know, right? I can't believe we get to work here."

(Now If only I had Gregory's job)

Gregory chuckles. "Well, I'm glad you're excited. We're lucky to have you on board."

(I bet you are)

Katerina thanks him and he leaves them to get settled in. Kassandra starts organizing Katerina's files and setting up her computer while Katerina takes a moment to admire the view.

As she looks out at the city, Katerina can't help but think about her secret identity as the goddess of witchcraft. She knows that she has to be careful to keep her true identity hidden, especially from her new colleagues. She takes a deep breath and reminds herself that she's here to do a job and that she can't let her secret get in the way of that.

(This should definitely make it so that any suspicions of me going on murdering sprees would seem far fetched)

Stephanie walks into the room, and Katerina is immediately struck by how attractive she is. She shakes her head and tries to focus on the task at hand.

(I think I might be into chicks now)

"Hi, I'm Stephanie. I'm one of the head scientists working on the Lupusia project," Stephanie says, extending her hand.

Katerina shakes her hand and smiles. "It's great to meet you, Stephanie. I'm Katerina, the new project manager."

Kassandra chimes in, "I'm Kassandra, Katerina's assistant."

Stephanie nods at Kassandra before turning back to Katerina. "I'm really excited to have you on board. We've been making some great progress on the Lupusia treatment, and I think you're going to be a great addition to the team."

Katerina nods, "I'm excited to be here and to learn more about the project."

Stephanie goes into detail about the current treatments for autoimmune diseases, explaining how they work and what the limitations are. She then explains how the new treatment they're developing is different and how it has the potential to be much more effective.

Katerina is impressed by Stephanie's knowledge and passion for the project. She can tell that Stephanie is an intelligent and driven scientist, and she's looking forward to working with her.

(Definitely a bookworm)

As the conversation continues, Katerina can't help but sneak glances at Stephanie. She tries to push the thoughts from her mind, reminding herself that she's here to do a job, but she can't deny that she's attracted to Stephanie.

Stephanie goes into more detail about the new treatment they're developing. She explains that they're using a combination of existing drugs that have already been approved by the FDA for other conditions. These drugs are being used in a new way, in combination with each other, to target the specific immune system cells that cause Lupusia.

She explains that the new treatment has shown promising results in early testing. It has been able to reduce the severity of Lupusia symptoms in patients, while also reducing the risk of side effects that are common with current treatments.

Katerina is impressed by the innovation and creativity of the treatment. She can tell that Stephanie and her team are doing important work, and she's excited to be a part of it.

Stephanie goes on to explain that despite the promising results, there is still a major hurdle that they haven't been able to overcome. Lupusia is a highly unpredictable autoimmune disease that can affect different people in different ways. There are many subtypes of Lupusia, and each subtype can have a different set of symptoms and complications.

She explains that their new treatment has been effective in treating some of the symptoms of Lupusia, but they still haven't been able to stabilize the disease itself. They're still trying to figure out what causes Lupusia and how to stop it from progressing.

Stephanie goes on to explain some of the common side effects of Lupusia, which can include fatigue, joint pain, skin rashes, and fever. In more severe cases, Lupusia can cause damage to major organs such as the kidneys, heart, and lungs. She explains that this is why it's so important to find a way to stabilize the disease and prevent it from progressing.

Katerina nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. She's determined to help Stephanie and her team find a solution to this complex problem.

Stephanie explains that there are many subtypes of Lupusia, each with its own set of symptoms and complications. Some subtypes can be more devastating than others.

For example, one subtype of Lupusia called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) can cause widespread inflammation and damage to major organs such as the kidneys, heart, and lungs. This can lead to life-threatening complications such as kidney failure, heart attacks, and strokes.

Another subtype called Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (CLE) primarily affects the skin, causing rashes, lesions, and scarring. While not as life-threatening as SLE, CLE can still have a significant impact on a person's quality of life.

Stephanie goes on to explain that because Lupusia is such a complex and unpredictable disease, it's difficult to develop a one-size-fits-all treatment. That's why she and her team are working so hard to find new and innovative ways to treat the disease.

Stephanie is excited to show Katerina one of the laboratories that specialize in Lupusia research. They make their way to the lab, and Stephanie introduces Katerina to some of the scientists who work there.

Stephanie asks Katerina what her background is, and Katerina proudly tells her that she has a Ph.D. in biotechnology, biochemistry, and molecular biology from MIT. Stephanie is impressed, and she asks Katerina if she would be interested in working with her and her team on the Lupusia project.

(And here I am a college drop out, haha, using my magic to fake a degree.)

Katerina is thrilled at the opportunity to work with such a talented group of scientists. She goes into further detail about her background, explaining that she has always been fascinated by the intersection of biology and technology. She tells Stephanie that she's excited to apply her skills and knowledge to such an important project.

Stephanie is happy to introduce Katerina to the rest of the scientists in the lab. She starts by introducing her boss to, Dr. Johnson, who has a PhD in Immunology from Harvard. Dr. Johnson is the lead researcher on the Lupusia project and has years of experience studying autoimmune diseases.

Next, Stephanie introduces Dr. Lee, who has a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from MIT. Dr. Lee specializes in developing new technologies for diagnosing and treating diseases.

Then, Stephanie introduces Dr. Patel, who has a Ph.D. in Microbiology from Stanford. Dr. Patel is an expert in vaccine development and has worked on numerous projects to combat infectious diseases.

Finally, Stephanie introduces Dr. Kim, who has a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from UC Berkeley. Dr. Kim is an expert in gene editing and has published numerous papers on the topic.

Katerina is impressed by the team's diverse backgrounds and expertise. She's excited to work with such a talented group of scientists and contribute to the Lupusia project.

After the introductions, Dr. Lee asked me what my last name is. I apologized and told them that they can call me Dr. Petralia during work hours.

I'm happy to be working with such a talented team of scientists and I'm excited to oversee the Lupusia project. I encouraged the team to send me any files related to the project so that I can review them later.

Dr. Johnson thanked me for my support and told me that the team is eager to get started on the project.

Katerina takes a moment to observe the scientists in the lab. Dr. Johnson looks to be in his early 50s with greying hair and a serious expression on his face. Dr. Lee looks to be in her late 30s with short hair and a friendly smile. Dr. Patel looks to be in her mid-40s with a warm demeanor and a curious expression. Dr. Kim looks to be in his late 20s with youthful energy and a focused gaze.

Katerina is impressed by the team's diversity in terms of both age and expertise. She's excited to work with such a talented group of scientists and contribute to the Lupusia project.

Katerina walks back to her office accompanied by Dr. Patel as they chat about the project. When they arrive at Katerina's office, Kassandra, Katerina's assistant, opens the door and welcomes them in, asking if she can get them drinks.

Katerina and Dr. Patel enter the office and sit down on the couch together as Kassandra gets them both cups of coffee. Katerina takes a sip of the coffee and feels the warmth spread through her body.

It's around 6:30 pm, and Katerina and Kassandra are leaving the office together. They say goodbye to the other scientists on their way out and walk towards the parking garage. Katerina's green BMW is parked on the top floor, and they get into the car.

As they drive out of the parking garage, Katerina tells Kassandra that she has a surprise for her. Kassandra looks curious and asks what it is. Katerina tells her that they're going to a Porsche dealership to get another car.

Kassandra's eyes widen with excitement, and she can't believe what she's hearing. They arrive at the dealership, and Katerina tells her to pick out any Porsche she wants. They look around the dealership until they finally decide on a Porsche 911 GT3 for $165,000.

(Chump change when you have magic.)

Katerina jokes with Kassandra and tells her that it's coming out of her salary while laughing. Kassandra laughs along with her and tells her that it's worth it.

They leave the dealership, with Kassandra driving the Porsche and Katerina driving the BMW. They head towards a bar and grill downtown and park their cars on the street. They enter the restaurant and are seated in a cozy booth. The waiter approaches them and asks what drinks they would like. Katerina orders a glass of Chardonnay, while Kassandra orders a Manhattan with a twist.

As they wait for their drinks, they peruse the menu and decide on what to order. Katerina orders a grilled chicken sandwich with a side salad, while Kassandra orders the steak frites with a Caesar salad. The waiter leaves them to continue talking, and fifteen minutes later, returns with their food and drinks.

Katerina takes a sip of her Chardonnay and savors the crisp, fruity notes. Kassandra takes a sip of her Manhattan and feels the warmth spread through her body. They both enjoy their meals and the lively atmosphere of the restaurant. They talk about their day at work, their family, and their future plans.

As the night wears on, they finish their drinks and ask for the bill. They split it evenly and leave the restaurant, feeling satisfied and content. They get into their cars and drive home.

Katerina and Kassandra leave the restaurant and drive to their apartment building complex. They drive their cars up into the parking garage two floors up and take the elevator up to the 56th floor to their penthouse. Once they enter the penthouse, they take off their shoes and jackets and head to their separate bathrooms to take showers.

After their showers, Kassandra asks Katerina if she can invite her boyfriend over to hang out with them for a little while. Katerina agrees, and Kassandra sends a text to her boyfriend. A few minutes later, the doorbell rings, and Kassandra goes to answer it. Her boyfriend is there, and he's brought a friend named Luke with him.

Kassandra introduces Luke to Katerina, and they all sit down in the living room to chat.

Luke: Hey Katerina, what do you do for work?

Katerina: I'm a biotechnology consultant for a biopharmaceutical company. I work with scientists and researchers to help develop new drugs and treatments. It's a pretty cool gig, if I do say so myself.

Luke: That sounds really interesting. I'm actually a lawyer. I don't know much about biotech, but I'm sure it's a challenging and rewarding field.

Katerina: Oh, it definitely is. There's a lot of science and technical knowledge involved, but I really enjoy being able to make a difference in people's lives. Plus, I get to wear a lab coat, which makes me feel pretty official.

Luke: (laughs) I can imagine.

Kassandra: Well, you two are hitting it off, I see. So, are we all on for this Saturday?

Luke: Yeah, definitely. I'm looking forward to it.

Katerina: Me too. Have you figured out where we're going to go yet?

Kassandra's boyfriend: Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt, but I heard you talking about where to go on Saturday. Have you considered going to a jazz club/restaurant that serves Mediterranean food? I know a great place that's not too far from here.

Luke: That sounds like a great idea. What do you think, Katerina?

Katerina: I'm up for anything. Let's do it.

Kassandra: Great! I'll make the reservation. This is going to be so much fun.

2 hours later

Kassandra: Well, that was a great evening. It was nice seeing you, Luke.

Luke: Yeah, it was great seeing you, Kassandra. Have a good night.

Katerina: Bye, Luke. Thanks for coming.

Luke: No problem. I'll see you guys on Saturday.

Kassandra: Sounds good. Bye!

Katerina: (thinking to herself) It's been a while since I've had any fresh blood. I'm really craving it. Maybe I'll get some this weekend.

A week has passed, and now it's Saturday

Kassandra: I'm so excited for tonight. This place looks amazing.

Katerina: Yeah, I've heard great things about it. I can't wait to try the food.

Kassandra: (smiling) And I can't wait to see Demetrius.

Katerina: (laughing) You're so cute. I hope Luke is a good match for me.

Kassandra: (smiling) Thanks. I hope so too.

(They arrive at the restaurant and see the guys waiting for them.)

Luke: Hey, you guys made it. How was the drive?

Kassandra: It was great. Thanks for inviting us.

Katerina: Yeah, the restaurant looks amazing.

Demetrius: You both look great tonight.

Luke: (smiling) So, what should we order?

Demetrius: I recommend the lamb chops. They're delicious.

Luke: And the wine here is excellent.

Katerina: Sounds good to me.

Kassandra: (smiling) Let's do it.

(They order their food and drinks and enjoy the music and atmosphere of the restaurant.)

They leave the restaurant, kas leaves with Demetrius and Luke decides to follow Katerina back to her penthouse.

Katerina: (smiling) Do you want to come in for a bit?

Luke: (smiling) I'd love to.

(They enter the penthouse and Katerina offers Luke a drink.)

Katerina: So, what did you think of the restaurant?

Luke: It was great. I loved the food and the music.

Katerina: Me too. (pauses) I have something I want to show you.

Luke: (curious) What is it?

Katerina: (smiling) It's a surprise.

(Katerina leads Luke to her bedroom with a large crystal ball in the center.)

Katerina: (smiling) I'm a bit of a magician. Watch this.

(Katerina waves her hand over the crystal ball and Luke feels himself getting sleepy.)

Luke: (yawning) What's happening?

Katerina: (smiling) Just relax. You're in a trance.

Luke: (surprised) A trance?

Katerina: (nodding) Yes. I'm going to show you some of my magic.

(Katerina's eyes turn black as she sinks her teeth into Luke's neck penetrating his jugular.)

Katerina: Now get the fuck out of my house, I'll call you whenever I'm hungry and you will come running or you will die.