Council of Night

Nikolai."Have we heard back from our men investigating the Kitsune yet?"

Dmytro. "Yes, troubling news my lord, our scouting unit reported that they were all found dead. After looking into it further the cause of death was all kinds of plants growing throughout their insides, wrapping around their organs."

Nikolai. "So we are no closer to finding out who this Kitsune is..."

Dmytro." At the very least, we now know that the Kitsune might be aware of us looking into them. I also don't believe that they are acting alone. It doesn't fit their M.O. to go from savagely killing to now using cursed items...has to be more than one."

Nikolai. "That's a good point...but we also can't assume that the accomplice is a Kitsune..."

Dmytro. "Should we continue looking into this matter?"

Nikolai. "Yes, reach out to our contacts in the Midnight Bay police department, we can set up some bait for them. We already know the type of people they hunt, so let's set up a couple of obvious targets for them and wait and see if they bite."

The Council of Night contacted their agent in the Midnight Bay police force, and they worked together to set up a couple of sting operations around the city. They hired a vain scuba instructor who was more interested in his reflection in the water than in his student's safety and placed him at the beach with hidden cops watching.

Downtown, they placed another man as bait, carefully selecting someone who fit the profile of the type of man the coven of darkness would be interested in capturing.

Nikolai. "Now we just wait for them to fall for the trap, Lets have the news team do a report on the beach asking this new scuba instructor if he fears for his life knowing what happened to the previous instructor."

The next morning down by the beach, an MBNWS reporter arrived with her crew and cameras and started shooting their interview with the new scuba instructor Thomas Launt.

Reporter. "Mr. Launt, are you aware of what happened to one of the previous instructors here on the beach just a while ago?"

Thomas. "Yeah I heard about that, but I'm not scared of some weak murderers that have to use the cover of night to take out an unarmed man. As safety protocols now all of us instructors are paired up throughout the shift with an armed security guard, so I'm not worried about those murderers. Whoever they were, I know one thing for sure."

Reporter." And what would that be?"

Thomas. "That they are bottom-feeding scum, who wouldn't dare to show their faces around here again."

-Coven of Darkness-

Liana, Katerina, Sophie, and Emily turned off the news report, feeling angry and frustrated.

Katerina: "Can you believe this? That asshole basically called us out in front of the entire city?"

Emily: "It's ridiculous. We need to teach these people that we are to be taken seriously."

Sophie: "Exactly, we need to show them that we're not to be messed with."

Liana: "Agreed. Let's split up. Katerina and Emily, you head down to the docks. Sophie and I will go downtown."

Katerina: "And what about the scuba instructor?"

Liana: "Kill him, make a pretty design with his intestines all over the beach. Right now, me and Sophie need to take care of some other asshole downtown."

Sophie: "Let's show them what we're capable of."

With that, the four of them split up and set off to just how cruel and savage their serial killer facade was.

Katerina and Emily arrived at the beach, determined to murder the scuba instructor. They spotted him and lured him between the boats where no one could see.

Katerina. "Hey, you are pretty cute, how about you show me and my friend your boat?"

Thomas. "Oh yeah? You sexy ladies looking for a good time?"

Emily. "Hell yeah, we are, why don't you take us for a spin on that big boat of yours bad boy."

Thomas led them towards the docks and just before they started boarding the boat, Katerina dashed at him digging her claws deep into his stomach and ripping out a handful of intestines. He dropped to his knees and blood started spilling out from his opened stomach.

Katerina: "What design should we go for this time."

Emily: "Let's spread out his guts for now until we can come up with something."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the police and assassins from the Council of Night appeared, shooting Emily with a barrage of bullets forcing her to run away for her life, as she ran the Council of Night trapped Katerina by casting a binding spell on her that sucked her body into a dimensional prison box.

Without warning, the Council of Night threw Katerina into a prison dimension inside a box and left with her.

Emily was left alone as she ran towards the inner city, wondering what had just happened. She knew she had to find Liana and Sophie before it was too late.

Emily knew she had to find Liana and Sophie and tell them what had happened to Katerina. She searched the city until she found them.

Emily: "Liana, Sophie, They fucking took her, they took Kat."

Liana: "They what?"

Sophie: "Who took her?"

Emily: "Katerina has been taken by the fucking Council of Night."

Liana's eyes widened, and she fell to her knees, crying hysterically.

Liana: "No! Not Katerina! What the fuck am I suppose to do without her?"

Sophie: "This is messed up, they must have baited us."

Emily: "I know. But how are we going to get her back?"

Liana: "I have no idea, but we have to go find her!"

Sophie: "We'll find a way. We have to."

Liana looked up at Emily, tears streaming down her face.

Liana: "Please, Emily. Help us save her. She's my everything. I will die without her."

Emily put her hand on Liana's shoulder.

Emily: "We'll do everything we can. I promise."

With that, the three of them ran towards the beach trying to find Kat, but there was no sign of her or the Council. The sadness of the situation weighed heavily on them, but they were determined to do whatever it takes to get Katerina back.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. They searched every corner of the city and talked to every contact they had, but there was no sign of Katerina. The Council of Night seemed to have vanished without a trace, taking Katerina with them.

As each day passed, Liana and Sophie's hope began to fade. They wondered if they would ever see Katerina again. Emily did her best to keep their spirits up, but she too was starting to lose hope.

The fate of Katerina remained a mystery, and the three friends were left wondering if they would ever find her again.

Emily. "You don't think they killed her do you?"

Sophie. "Why the fuck would you ask that!"

Liana. "I'm still alive, we are connected, if she dies I die. I won't stop until I get her back, I'm coming for you assholes!