Chapter 5

I wonder what Nadia said to the bouncers outside the door. There were couple of people standing outside, wanting to get in but they weren't permitted because the place was only meant for the rich and wealthy. But we who are not one step close to second class where allowed to go in.


Nadia is frightening me these days. What is she really up to? Does she have so many influences that I don't know?


She's not usually the type of girl that takes shit, I know. But same time, she won't fight in public areas over something minor or major.


She prefers to keep her cool but am still curious how she handled the walk-in matter.


She took my hand like am her date and together we entered the place.




It was my first time to visit such a grooving place like this. Amongst all the bars and clubhouses I've been to, this place is more than legit.


Nadia squealed and beam on her toes. She was acting like a cartoon character already when she saw the number of cute guys talking, drinking and laughing.


I admit there are very handsome men in here. But majority of them came with a date too.


"Come, let's have a drink." Nadia pulled me with her to the counter.


Thank God I could run with her as she drags me. Because am nearly thin now.


We sat next to each other on the barstools. I'm not too used to being around in crowded places. I feel like am allergic to too much people.


There are so many things I can't do when am in public. I can't talk well. I can't eat or drink freely. I can't laugh even if something is funny. I can't look at someone's eyes directly.


I'm super timid.


It's my self-esteem.


But you see Nadia? She's my opposite. Very bubbly and lively.


I sat there facing the expensive wines in the shelves. From the look of it, I think even a glass of juice here could buy three times of my old beetle.


My heart kept racing like I just did something wrong. I feel like running out of here and leaving Nadia.


I hate her for bringing me here.


I'm not comfortable sitting here with the people around. I feel like they're all gossiping about me. It made me remember the three guys at the shredding room yesterday.


The people at my other side are only men, laughing and chatting. Which makes the condition worse the more.


Nadia was doing everything in her power to show off her girlie stuff. She was flicking her hair behind, pulling her cleavages to her chest. And making a silly something I don't know with her lips.


"What the fuck is up with you now?" I whispered. "Don't make me run."


"Two glasses of blueprint." She told the bartender guy then turned to me with a smile. "Relax, baby gal. We just got here. Let's find a suitor."


"A suitor?" Let's go to first round first. The bartender served our glass and I just stare at it like it's poison. "And is this a wine or spirit?"


Nadia almost spat her drink but then she composed herself when she remembered where we were. "Diamond, stop embarrassing us." She gritted her teeth and leaned closer. "Blueprint is a non-alcoholic drink. It is just juice, don't let the brand break your head."


Ah. The brand.


I checked the glass very well. Looks expensive to me. "How much does this cost?"


"$195 dollars per one only."


My eyes almost broke out of my skull. "$195 fucking grands?" My mouth opened in agape. Nadia looked around and shush me. "Do you even have $200 dollars in that cheap purse of yours?" I asked her.


She certainly felt guilty. I can see it but she won't show it. "Babe, we're women." She whispered. "We are fast to gain attention within seconds than men. Just like a magnetic field. You see this drink?" And my eyes drifted to my glass. "We aren't paying for it. Someone will."


I laughed sheepishly.


Yeah. Obviously. Maybe in your dreams, Nadia.


I became serious again. "You fucking think that movies are coming to reality in your era now, Nadia. Well, open your eyes, dumbass. You're in the real world. This is not a visual reality game show."


She rolled her eyes and sip her drink. I kept my eyes on her and sip mine too.


Out of nowhere, someone approached us. "Hello, ladies."


I almost choke on my drink. Nadia did not show any fear of something. And I waited for her to turn around first before I'll do the same. But even when she did, I refuse to look back.


I kept pretending to be engross with my glass. And my heart was pounding fast inside my chest. I felt like something bad is about to happen.


Nadia was doing fine chatting with the random. In fact, she was flirting with him. Her fingers never stopped fidgeting with her hair. And she kept on smiling and biting her lower lip.


Literally, I think Nadia's wish is getting answered soon. She just talked about someone paying for our drinks and this guy suddenly appeared.




Nice one, Nadia.


More for me.


I emptied my glass and asked the bartender for another. Nadia was giving me deadly side glares but I just ignored and took a sip of my second glass.


I felt someone's warm breath on my shoulder and then, a deep voice with strong velvet edge whispers in my ear, "Hi, angel. From your back side, you look hot. May I know your name?"


Me? Angel and hot? Who the hell is this guy to think he can flirt with any woman he meets?


Oh. He doesn't know me too well. He doesn't know me at all!


He's flirting with me and –


"Meet my cousin, Día –"


"Nebuchadnezzar." I interrupted Nadia and turned to face him. "Or call me the world's most annoying bitch!" I stood up and spill my drink on his face. Nadia's eyes grew big in shock. And the guy's face turned red in anger. But I didn't care. I challenged him. "How do you study me? Like am some kinda cheap whore or a random girl you'd flirt with? FYI, am a single mommy and I have a son to cater for. He's more gorgeous than a piece of shit like you. Scum! Or haven't you heard Ariana Grande's song? 'DON'T CALL ME, 'ANGEL?" I grabbed my purse and left.


Not caring if I left Nadia inside or not. She brought me here, so let her fix my mess.




I pushed the door open and dashed out. I was walking so fast on my heels. I felt my ankles hurting but I didn't care. I didn't even look back.


"Diamond! Diamond, hang on!"


I heard Nadia screaming my name behind me but I didn't spare a glance at her.


I hate myself when am savage. I have bad tempers, unable to control. And Nadia is responsible for my current mood.


"Stop walking." She held my wrist the moment she caught up with my race.


I stopped and glare at her. "You really know how bad I am in public. You brought me here to make a scene." I continued ranting all my anger on her.


She just stood there and digested all my blames on her.


Am crazy, to the extent I didn't know when tears started welling in my eyes. "Coming to a bar meant for rich men and waiting for one of them to show us hospitality is not something that we should do. I can't believe that animal calling me hot from my back side. He definitely thinks he could get me on his bed with one word from him and obviously get me pregnant and dump me like George did!"


I was breathing heavily from nagging too much.


One thing about Nadia, she lets me say all the shit I want to say first. She tolerate listening to my tantrums before making her speech. "Are you done?"


"Holy Mary. Yes!"


She let out a frustrated sigh and crossed her arms. After giving me a tired look, she said, "Diamond, that guy was gay. I thought you heard our conversation when he mentioned he was new to the bar too and wanted a company."


Huh? Was it?


Oops. Am not sorry for not knowing.


"Still not my fault." I mumbled and adjusted my purse on my shoulder. I just remembered something. "Wait, tell me you didn't pay for that drink."


Her lips twisted, "Of course he didn't pay for us because of your attitude towards him."


I don't need to ask Nadia how she got out of there without paying a dime. If she could trick the bouncers too.


My eyes roamed around and I paused it in a particular spot when I sighted something – or should I say someone?


Speaking of the devil before now. I pointed at the guy making out with an unfamiliar woman at a car's door. "Isn't that George am seeing right there?"


"Where?" Nadia followed my gaze.


That bastard. He is the one.


After dumping me with pregnancy, I believe he also left the Italian bitch also.


I quickened on my heels again, approaching them. Nadia followed me behind.


I swear on this day, am going to teach this man a lesson. I'll make sure he pays for everything he did to me.


"You bastard!" When he broke the kiss with the woman and looked at me, I gave him a resounding slap. "A chameleon! That's what you are." I started hitting him hard.


"What the – fuck off, woman!" He pushed me away. I almost fell on Nadia. "Who the hell are you and how dare you lay your filthy hands on me? Do you know who I am?" He touched his chin to see if there were damages.


The unfamiliar woman turn to him, "Baby, who is she?"


"I swear, I haven't seen this woman before in my entire life. She's probably a psychopath."


A psychopath?


I toss my purse away and Nadia caught it before it hits the ground. I clutch the collar of his white sleeve. "You're a shameless liar, George. You stand here and deny me? You told me you loved me, you got me pregnant and still cheated on me with that Italian woman."


He raised his hands briefly, "Listen young lady, you're obviously making a mistake with the wrong guy. I don't know a shit you're saying."




Are men this terrible liars?


I know am talking to George Stewart. It's him. Standing here in front of me. I know Nadia still remembers him. He is my ex, the father of my son. It's not a mistake.


Why is he denying me?


I turn to Nadia, tears rolled down my cheeks. "Nadia, tell me you don't recognize him anymore. Tell me am a psychopath and am making a mistake. Tell me."


Nadia shook her head slowly.


"You see?" I faced him. "It's you George, there's no mistake."


"I don't know what you're talking about." He jerked my hands off. "You are probably drunk."


"Am not drunk, George!" I snapped at him. "We met four years at the walkway. I was going to the shopping mall early on Monday morning. You gave me a ride. We became friends until you told me you want us to become intimate. We got married three months after dating. Your parents were against our relationship and they brought this woman from Italy to you for marriage. You broke your promise of putting up an act with her for the meantime. I caught you fucking her and making out with her the next morning. I couldn't tolerate it anymore, so I left. Unknowing to us, I was a week pregnant with your child."


One.. two…three… four.


He was silent and just staring at me like a boring movie he has seen twice.


I waited for him to answer for a while which felt like ten hours.


Then, he took out his phone and started scrolling the screen. The least I expected was him calling a cop on me. "I'll show you something then you can judge from what you see." He showed me a selfie photo of him and his clone.


I disagree, "It is photoshopped."


"Photoshopped?" He chuckled. That chuckling sound is not differ from the same George I know. He played a video for me to watch. The same similar persons where flirting at the watcher.


I stared at it intently. They were not doing the same thing at the same time. They wore different color of t-shirt. One's skin was lighter than the other. Both were toned. One had a little display of side beards. And the other doesn't. One wore glasses and the other didn't. One has a space in his upper tooth and the other didn't. One has dark brown hair and the other has light brown. One has mole at the upper side of his mouth and the other was plain.


What the hell is going on?


Is like am seeing two type of George Stewart. I don't even know which is real or not. My real George usually wears prescription glasses sometimes. He doesn't have a mole. His hair is dark brown like Corey. No space in his upper tooth and his very much white and light in complexion.


My eyes drifted to the guy in front of me. From the night, I can still tell his facial features and appearance.


Mole. Light brown hair. No glasses. Fair skin instead of white. Barely side beards. When he sighed, I saw his upper space teeth.


The George I knew doesn't have these things.


"You just hit George's twin brother." His jaw clenched.


God. Am finished. I didn't even inspect him well before protesting. But how am I supposed to know? George never told me he had a twin.


An identical one as at that.


"Am so sorry, I…." I covered my mouth with my palms. Tears drain out my eyes. "He never mentioned it to me."


I was expecting him to be harsh and lash out on me for messing with him first. But he just smiled lightly, "It's okay. This is not the first time someone mistook me from him." He chuckled. "A very big disadvantage of being identical. By the way, am Gregory Stewart." He extended his hand.


I shook it. "Diamond."


"Diamond Miller, right?" He clicked his tongue like he regrets something. "I pity George. But I won't blame him too much. Our parents pressured him. Just they're trying to do to me too."


"That is not fair. It broke my marital home."


"I can give you his contact info if you want to reach him."


Like I care?


Hell no!


He is still a bastard.


"No, am good." Before he says anything, I turn to Nadia, "Let's go before it rains." The weather was storming dark already. I faced Gregory one last time and forced a smile, "It was nice meeting you, Greg. Sorry for the slaps earlier and please don't tell your brother you met me today." I left with Nadia.


Still, I couldn't get over with the drastic embarrassing things I did this evening. First was the gay at the bar, second was my ex' identical twin brother.