Chapter 9


"I'll fire her." Greg suggested when we got home.

"No, don't do that." I touched the white bandage around my forehead. God, it hurts like burns.

"Why not?" Greg won't listen. He was furious when he came into the sickbay and met my face covered in blood. "She has no business with you. She has no right to interfere in your personal matters with your ex."

My face turned serious when I look at him. "Diamond is not my ex. She is my wife. Get that into your thick skull."

He gulped, regretting why he brought her into the conversation. "Still, her sister has no right to lay a hand on you." He stood in front of me, his arms crossed on his chest. "Just your permission and she'll receive a resignation letter on her desk tomorrow morning."

This man.

Is he dumb? I thought I said NO earlier?

"Nadia is my sister in-law." I shook my head and gently relaxed my back on the couch. "You would have done the same if you had a sister."

I would have done the same if I had a sister and a man messes with her.

Greg sat beside me. His expression still furious, "Did you get to sort things out with her? Diamond?"

I let out a deep breath and kept quiet for a while. Diamond and I didn't talk much before her cousin barged in. It was the moment where I asked her out and her response is pending till now.

"She said she needed more time to fix things within her." I said. "But am scared she might make up her mind fully that she won't come back to me, Greg."

"Hey," He place a reassuring hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Don't give up trying. Am sure she'll give you a final answer soon."

I hope so.

There are still so many things to get over with.

My parents and Melissa.

If these people are still involved in our lives, Diamond and I would barely work together as husband and wife again.

"I miss her, Greg." My voice was breaking again like am going to cry. "I want her back. I want my son too. Now that we have a son, we'd make a great family together."

Greg let out a sad sigh. "If I had known that, that kid was your son, I would have said those awful things I said earlier."

I knew I was right when I said something was weird about the connection between the kid and I.

The attraction was just too much and it kept occurring over and over again.

"I asked Mrs. Patricks to write out Diamond's address." I brought out the piece of folded paper in my back pocket and showed it to Greg. When he took it, I groaned from the head pain. "Am still trying to figure out where the place is located in town. It's not well-known."

"I think I have a glimpse of this place." Greg flick his finger on the paper and turn to me.

"You do?" I sat up like I just found a shortcut to my long journey.

"A friend of mine used to throw parties at one event hall located in the vicinity."

I felt my heart relieved from stress and I crashed back on the couch. "Ah. Going to her place will be easy. I'll get to know her place and meet her family."

"It has a house number." Greg scan the paper intently.


"This will make it more easier for us to trace."



Dad pace about the living room with his short gun. Everyone stood few metres away from him, shaking and shivering in fear. We all know that whenever he turns savage, he's hardly to coax.

I never knew Nadia went and told him about everything that happened in the office today.

He got furious and dangerous when he heard that George was with me and Corey.

He went into his gunroom and load bullets into his pistol.

When he went outside and fire three shots in the sky, we screamed and my mom quickly went after him to stop him.

"Jasper, please end this madness now. The kids are watching."

"I don't care if the entire community are videoing, Loretta." He yelled. I've never seen Dad as mad as this before. "That son of a bitch deceived our daughter. He got her pregnant and abandoned her and now, he wants to play season two. Huh? No! I'll kill him before he succeeds."

He fired another shot and grandma carried Corey and Carter to their rooms.

The commotion was too much. My uncles and grandpa volunteer to end his madness but he was too hard to soothe. He was getting furious the more.

He won't let them take the gun away from him. "Get off!" He jerked them aside. "No how, no how, he will definitely come to find her here and I'll turn him into a piece of steak. He doesn't know who I am. He has no idea what the Miller' are capable of doing."

"That animal…" Nadia gritted her teeth. She was standing beside me. "I never knew what attracted you to him in the first place. He's an animal."

"Please!" I snap at her and she startled. "For the sake of my son, you all should stop this madness." I went back to my room.


I was sitting on the bed with my back leaned on the headboard and my knees pressed against my chest then Nadia entered.

She entertained herself by sitting on the edge of the bed.

My mind is fully loaded. I don't know what to do or think straight at the moment.

It's like the heavens and earth collides together in a clash.

Nadia reached for my toe, I inch it backward. "Diamond, I had to tell uncle about it. Am your family, I won't allow anything bad to happen to you."

I wipe the tears in my cheeks and sniffed my nose, "Am not blaming you for doing what's right, Nadia." Of course not. "George is no longer in my heart anymore." Am lying. "It's just that…." I don't know what to say.

"Listen, a man who truly loves a woman would do anything for her. George still has that bitch under his canopy and he wants you back. You can imagine how sarcastic it is. If he can't wipe her out of his life and home for good, then he's sure to make another error in your life again."

Hmm. She's right.

Suddenly we heard noise coming from downstairs. It didn't seem like the commotion earlier, it was like a serious argument.

Did Dad shot someone by mistake?

I began to wonder so many negative things.

"What's that?" Nadia asked me, confused.

I got out of bed, "Let's go see." And we left the room.

We were at the stairway when I realize that it was George at the door and Dad was restricting him from coming in. The others gathered inside the house with farming tools in their hands like they were ready to attack a bandit.

"I need to see my wife and my son! You can't prohibit me from meeting my family." George lamented with fury. I sighted his twin behind him.

I glance at the large wall clock at the west coast in the mansion wall. It was half past 8 in the night.

My eyes went below as I search if Corey was here.

He wasn't.

Am sure he's fast asleep in his room right now. He is still very young to witness such a scene.

Nadia was urging me to go back upstairs with one hand behind her. "Don't let him see you."

I know but same time, I just feel like it's my responsibility to sort things out here.

I know George. He won't leave not until I show my face. He doesn't care if anyone threatens him with harmful weapons.

He is stubborn, headstrong and brave.

I felt bad after seeing the big white bandage around his forehead. Nadia shouldn't have hit him that much.

I wonder how much pain he's going through right now and still raising his voice too.

"Go back to where you came from, kid." Dad retorted, the short gun still with him. "I don't mind blowing your skull."

"Do it." George bolded his eyes at him.

"Leave us, you mad dog!" Mom retaliated, standing behind Dad. "My daughter is not your property, neither is my grandson."

"We won't warn you to stay clear from her and my greatgrandson again." Grandpa added. He was holding a rake and shovel in both hands. "But the next time you come looking for them here, I'll personally chop off your head."

"Rich men who likes to toy with low-class women." Aunt Debbie cursed. "You don't know the value of women and you come here to claim one? Get lost! You don't belong here."

It was really frustrating.

George is supposed to leave by now if I were him. But he stood there digesting all the insults and curses.

As I was about to turn around and go to my room, I heard him call out my name. "Diamond!"

I stood stunned for a moment before turning around. Our eyes jammed face to face and I saw the pain in his eyes.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw me standing at the stairway.

Dad got mad again and pointed the gun at me. "Do you want me to kill you with my bare hands? Come on, get inside this minute! Go inside I say!"

Mom pulled the gun out of his hand and lashed at him, "Jasper, have you lost it? You should point the gun at the bastard that ruined her life not our daughter."

"Diamond, please don't go. I love you." George won't give up.

"Shut up!" Dad's anger leveled up. "Repeat that twice and your brains will be littered on the floor." I know Dad meant every word he just said.

"Young man, you sure have some guts in you." Grandma pointed at Greg, "Better take your useless brother out of this premises before I have my son kill him."

I can't withstand this anymore.

I ran up the stairs. I heard George screaming my name but I refuse to hearken. I got to my room and locked the door with the keys.

I felt on my ass with my back scrapping the door. I cried bitterly.

All these things going on is my fault. If I hadn't met George, they wouldn't have happened.

I blame myself for the crises.

Am just like a prodigal daughter. I brought nothing but shame and disgrace into my family.


It was past ten in the night when I slept off. My head was hurting from crying too much and my eyelids were swollen and gluing.

I rolled and rolled on the sheets for many times before sleep came.

The whimpering sound I heard from the window made my eyes flutter open. My brows creased as I wonder what it might be.

I sat on the bed and stare at the window. It was open and the wind blew the curtains.

The house was calm now that everything had ended two hours ago. They were all asleep.

The sound started again and stopped for a while. I was triggered to leave the bed and go to the window to see what it was.

As I wanted to peek down, someone appeared in front of me and I screamed.

He shut my mouth with his hand and whispered, "Shh. It's me, George."

What the fuck?

I thought he was long gone.

And…..where did he come from?

"How did you know this is my room?" I asked him as he climbs through the window and jumped into my room.

He looked down and waved at something. "All good, man."

I peek down and saw Gregory taking the ladder away. I faced George, "You know your life is at risk. You coming up here through the window to see me at this hour, you'll surely be a dead meet if my father finds out."

A devilish smirk appeared at the side of his lips and with a sexy voice, he said, "He'll only find out if you tell him. Besides, am not afraid of what he might do to me. I'm ready to die for the love I have for you." He winked.

I roll my eyes and went to sit on the bed. He followed me and sat beside me. "Better tell your brother to bring back the ladder. You're not safe here."

"Tsk." He clicked his tongue. "Unfortunately, he is gone and I'll be spending the night with you."

The nig- is he mad?

My eyes widen. "You can't. Access denied. Please go."

He kept quiet and stare at me intently for what seems like hours. "Are you chasing me out too?" He scoffed and took off his glasses. Then he leaned closer and kissed the back of my hand. "Look, I don't know if you've joined your family to kick me out but…am here to stay for the night. And if you don't mind, I don't care coming here to share your bed every night."

"George….." My words died down when he kissed me deeply.

He broke the kiss when my breathing stopped for a long time.

I touched the bandage and he winced. "Am sorry. Nadia is very violent when it comes to my issues."

"It's okay." A smile on his lips as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "I really miss your beautiful face."

I flushed. Did he?

"Your Dad is more violent than her." He chuckled softly. "He was ready to pull the trigger on my head."


I roll my eyes and shook my head helplessly. "My father is formal and strict. I wonder how my mom married him for twenty-five years."

"My parents actually celebrated their thirty-fourth wedding anniversary last year." He shrugged, "Maybe they'll do another one this year."

I kept quiet for a while. I think I might suspect something from his statements. I sat facing him with one of my thigh crest in an angle. "Are they really your parents or just fosters?"

He didn't say something for a while and when he did…..he nodded.

I almost lost my mind and shout at him. "But you –"

"I lied." He took my hands and held them tight. "Am sorry," His eyes melting into mine. "It was supposed to be a secret."

A secret?

Is there something I should know?

"Why secret?" I asked, curiously.

He just sighed in frustration and said, "According to my parents, their love story was not excellent. After two years of marriage, there was no cry of a baby in the house. Dad was blaming mom, thinking she was the problem. They did everything in their power to bring forth a child, they did so many medications in different countries in the world, still nothing. After five years, Dad was planning on setting a divorce. Mom almost had an heart attack from the shock. She collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. That was the day they confirmed that she was pregnant with I and Greg."

Oh dear.

I felt bad for him.

No wonder he never mentioned the truth about his identity in the family.

"Am sorry I kept this away from you. Please forgive me." He added.

And I shook my head with a weak smile and held his face in my palms. "Shh. You don't have to be. You did what was right. Am proud of you. Your parents are too."

He slowly took my hands off his chins and covered them with his palms on his lap. "Am proud of you too. You kept yourself all these while since we separated. Not every woman could hold on like that."

I look down at our hands when my cheeks turned red from blushing.

He tilts my chin up for me to face him. Our face and warm breath came closer and mixed till our lips touched.

It's been a long time since I last tasted this lips on mine.

I crave for it now and I don't care what comes after.

It was getting deeper, sweeter and hotter. I couldn't hold myself anymore especially when his wet tongue slipped his way into my mouth.

I don't know what came over me, I reached for his t-shirt and he gladly allow me take it off.

God, how long I missed this toned, well-built muscular body of his.

I trail my nails on his torso and he attacked me with an hungry kiss. He kissed me like never before.

His hands slip into my nightgown and he took it off my body in one move.

His eyes glance all over my body like he was scanning me.

The worse was that, I wasn't wearing a bra underneath. Just a lacy purple thong beneath the purple mini satin gown.

Together, we fell on the bed with me underneath him and him on top.

We continued kissing to the moon and back until we ended up making wild love.