Chapter 13

The next morning, I woke up early according to the time set on my alarm clock. George and I went out for a jog. After which we came back sweating hot in the morning dew.

We made wild love under the shower and soaked our bodies in the bathtub for longer minutes.

It was still quite early. Everyone was still sleeping. Corey hasn't woken up yet. When the time struck at 6, we got out of the bathroom to dress up.

I heard little noise coming from the rooms next-door. I think the others just woke up now.

I changed into an overall baggy jumpsuit. More like the word 'Farming day.' I wore a black t-shirt as inner. I brought out four pairs of boots for George and I – since he insisted on farming with us.

I laughed when he said he hasn't done farming one day in his life and today happened to be his first time.

I told him there's gonna be a lot to do today. Cultivating, rigging, bridging, plucking, watering, harvesting, clearing, fertilizing and so much more!

Am glad he is ready.

While I went downstairs to prepare breakfast, he helped me bath Corey and dressed him up. The kids in the house mainly does nothing other than to make noise and scatter the plants in the farm.

So best thing, we keep them busy with interesting cartoons that'll carry their minds away for long time. Such animation that when one finishes, it switches to another on its own.

While I was making breakfast alone in the kitchen, my twelve Uncles passed the kitchen area to the backyard and I greeted them. They are sure ready for the day.

It's Sunday. One of our best farming days during the week. I observed Carter's daddy, sniffing his nose in the air when the food is not even ready.

They all got their farming tools and hit for the farm. So when breakfast is ready, I'll invite everyone into the dining room.

In no time, the food was almost ready. I heard the ladies giggling and gossiping as they strode down the stairway to the kitchen. Amongst them were my twelve aunties, my four grandmothers, my Mom and Nadia. They were all carrying a basket each.

Immediately they got to the kitchen, they started praising the aroma of the food. I just shook my head helplessly for them.

My big family and food….

An extended family that consist of so many nuclear families within.

"Catch you guys, shortly. I'll just assist Diamond." Nadia insisted on helping me.

But the food is already ready. "There's no need, honey." I chuckled when she went to the sink to wash her hands. And immediately, her face wore sadness.

"Why didn't you wake me up with you?" Her lips pouted. "You know we are both supposed to make breakfast together and you just took the stress alone."

I know how much she'd love to help. And it was our turn to cook breakfast today. I went to her and played with her cheeks. "Not that bad, baby girl. There was not much work here after all." I giggled and she slapped my hands away softly.

"Let's start setting the table. Remember the farm is waiting." She started taking the plates. And I joined her. Then she paused and turn to me, "How is George?"

The mention of his name made my cheeks flush without me knowing. All I could think of was the hot sex we had early this morning and when I was just about to answer, Dad walked in with my two grandfathers.

They were talking and laughing, holding machetes, rakes and spades. Then they stopped when they saw Nadia and I in the kitchen.

"Mmm…..I smell something appetizing and delicious." My first grandpa says, his nose sniffing everywhere.

"The worms in my stomach are screaming yummy already. Please serve it quickly." My second grandpa added and dropped his tools at a corner. He followed my first grandpa to the dinning area.

"It's Diamond's magic fingers, not mine. So give her the credits, grandpa." Nadia said as they walk away.

Dad didn't say anything for a moment and I was thinking he was still mad at me for bringing George to the house.

But what I heard next….shook me.

"I hope he's fine now. Am not chasing him away, he can stay whenever he feels like. But just tell him to come downstairs for breakfast and make him know that he'll be joining us in the farm too."

My brows arched.

Was that my father speaking? His tone was calm and soft like that of a gentle man.

What did Mom do to him to turn him this way?

My father I know is never an easygoing man. He is tough and hard to follow. He only makes good impression with the members of the family but that of outsiders, he doesn't.

Before I could copy what he just said, he dropped his tools at a corner and went to the dinning room.

Nadia turn to me and I turn to her. We both had this weird look we don't even understand.

When my four teenage nieces and three nephews came down, Nadia told them to go call everyone in the farm to the dinning room for breakfast.

I did my part by going upstairs to invite Corey and George.

After breakfast, everyone embarked on the chores of the day.


The kids are not here to disturb or make things difficult either. It was fun working together. Everyone with a partner.

George and I paired together. I notice Nadia eyeing us time to time as we both gather the crops and put in a big basket. I could tell that she was sweet and sour same time.

Sweet that she was happy for us, getting back together. And sour for herself. She was lonely like a lonely girl on a big bed. Her partner in the farmyard was Sasha.

And Sasha is very slow while working.

I didn't miss Dad's stern observation on George and I. He was doing his work carefully but his eyes were fixed on us and I caught Mom whispering something to him. Something that cause him to take off his gaze from us instantly and mind his business.

Today is the first day I really enjoyed farming the most. Growing up as a little girl, I never loved farming and whenever it's Sundays like this, I usually say I wanna go to church as a strong excuse to escape agriculture.

But today, I suddenly fell in love with it.

It's like learning how to do seesaw and swings. I just love it!

Oh wait a minute…..

Is it because am doing it with George? Why am I so excited today?

He already told me that his great-grandfather was a renowned agriculturist in New Zeeland. He owned ten acres of farmland. He barely goes there because he hates touching grass and killing snakes.

But all of a sudden, here he is. Farming with us. I think we both are in the same boat now. We're not a fan of agricultural science but we're loving it now.

While the others looks so boring working together – they barely talked or made noise and it just seem like it was only George and I escalating the environment with our laughter, chats and silent jokes. And they just keep glaring at us every now and then. But we didn't mind. We just continue our work.

When George took off his white sleeve which already turned brown, all the ladies – including Mom and my grandmothers stood stunned. Their eyes fixed on his muscular body like a glue.

They barely concentrate on their work, in fact, it became a distraction and they were not doing it properly and the men – especially their husbands provoked at them for staring at another man like that.

Dad had snapped at Mom for causing her cheeks to flush hard for just the sight of a man's body but just when he haven't finished taunting her, his eyes bug wide open when he caught George and I kissing in the public shamelessly. Mom reluctantly gave him an heavy knock on his head for spying on us instead of concentrating in his work.

At 5pm, we were done. Everyone looks dirty and sweaty. We all departed into our various rooms to take a fresh bath before dinner. The kids were still taken away by the 3D animation they were watching.

Meanwhile, while some slept off in the process, some never slept. Example number one; Corey.

It was now his favorite cartoon playing. 'Mr. Grinch.'

I knew am not supposed to disturb him when it comes to this one, so I left him and went to take my bath.

I knew George was in the bathroom but I took off my clothes and purposely went inside to join him. He was arose when he saw my nudes for the second time in the same day.

We made another wild love in the shower, but very hotter this time.

We came out and changed into our night dress. Then, I went downstairs to get Corey up for his evening bath. He was almost drowning into sleep when his mates just woke up.

After I was done bathing him, I dressed him in one of his favorite pajamas. 'Chucky'

I don't need to find out where he got the impression of liking horror things. George is a fan of horror and gothic movies. He only agrees to watch romance and comedy if am involved.

Just when we walked out of the closet, I met George standing by the window and receiving a phone call. His attention was straight in space. His expression was furrowed.

"Yes, send it to my email….as for the other one, I want four copies. I'll keep the original – and make sure you stamp them before dropping them on my desk, Timothy. Don't stress me." He hung up and notice our presence immediately. "Hey, big guy. You're looking fresh." He carried Corey and kissed his forehead. Then his attention drew towards me. "Greg is downstairs."

My brows lifted with a crazy joy of meeting his brother. Is like meeting another George. "Ah, really? Let's go meet him." I say, and together we left the room with Corey.


The moment we got outside, we met Nadia and Gregory talking in a distance. As we drew closer, their conversations became audible.

"Listen, you've already apologized a million times and I said I've forgiven you. Besides, you're not the only one wrong here." Gregory pointed at himself. "Am the one mostly wrong here. Am the rude one. I shouldn't have called you names last night when I came to give my brother something. It's was very bad of me."

"It was bad on my side too….I…I chased you out even when you refused, I poured you dirty water and spat on your face…see, am still sorry, okay? That is not usually me doing bad things to people. I couldn't sleep last night. I spent all night having guilty conscience. Still, one part of me tells me that you haven't forgiven me. My actions were too harsh….."

"Okay, okay, okay…." Gregory cut her off. "To tell you that I sincerely forgave you from the depth of my heart…. Let's do something – let me take you out for dinner. What do you say?"

"Take me out for dinner?! Is that a date?" Nadia gasped. I know how much she felt like screaming now.

Gregory shrugged. "By 7 on the dot, I'll be here to pick you up."

Nadia was beaming on her toes like a cartoon character. Am sure her pupils glimpsed too.

"Oh...." Gregory's eyes landed on us and Nadia turned around to see who was behind her.

Before I could even pinch a word out of my mouth, Nadia took my hand, "Sorry, George. But I'll have to steal her for a moment." She dragged me along with her into the house. Leaving the two brothers and my son outside.


"Help me pick a dress!" She flood out all her hot sexy gowns on the bed when we got to her room.

I scanned all the dresses with my eyes. They are all beautiful. But which one do I pick for her?

She was so overwhelmed with so much happiness to go out for dinner with a multi mega billionaire.

I randomly started picking some gowns while she head for the bathroom. She has to bath now because she takes time in the shower. I don't know what she'll be washing for hours.

The black dress with long V open back, would surely look good on her but wouldn't it look like a funeral or something?

I thought about that and quickly replaced it with a spicy red spaghetti strap dress. I stare at it for a while.

Hmm….this looks perfect for a dinner date.

Isn't this type of dress the ones that Nadia used to like? Dresses that showed her perfect skin and body at the right places? I know she wants to gain Gregory's attention. So wearing such slutty dress is half the magnet.

I went to her shoe rack and picked a nude four inches heels for her. I made sure her purse matched with her heels.

Just as I never expected her to be fast from the bathroom, she zoomed out wearing absolutely nothing. We are ladies and growing up as a child, we play and walk around the house butt naked so it's not a new thing for us to see each other's asses and nudes.

"Did you get the perfect pitch?" She asked, blow-drying her wet dark hair with the electric hand dryer.

"Red and nude would definitely match…." I checked the time, it was already twenty minutes to seven. I wanted to tell her the time but just then that I thought she might forget something behind or maybe trip on the stairs, a car horn from outside.

I look out through the window, the sky was always mid-dark. And there was a black Lamborghini Aventador waiting outside.

I saw Gregory walked out of the driver's side. He looked so stunning and gorgeous in a royal blue blazer, black inner and black pants. His hair was jelly curled neatly and from up here, I felt like sinking into his handsomeness.

Wow! Cool! Was this actually gonna end in just a dinner date or maybe something more than...

Okay. I didn't say anything. Am just….. nevermind.

I should be happy that someone asked Nadia out after months of being single. No man has ever spoken to her in these past few months since she broke up with her ex and I don't blame her for getting excited over a one time encounter with someone new.

"He is here, right?"

I turn around. Nadia has already wore her dress and heels and jewelries. She was just doing her make-up. In a hurry.

She tied up her hair in a queen style and sprayed fragrance cologne on herself.

One thing I noticed within her hips, made me roll my eyes and groan. "Nadia, as tight as this dress – because it's body-hug, am expected to see lines of your thong at your hips but nothing is showing. So, do you mind going into that closet to wear some panties?"

She blew flying kisses to me and grinned. "You know how my dates usually goes. I hate slacking."

Before I could say anything, she dashed out.

Just like that?

"Nadia, don't sleep with him yet. It's not an affair." I shouted but she was long gone.

I peek through the window and saw Gregory giving her warm hugs and from how she spill around for him with so much smile on her face, am sure he must have completed her looks. And there, he opened the passenger's door for her and when she got in, he boarded off.

I heaved a deep breath and turned around. A huge heap of her clothes were still lying on the bed. While I help put the clothes in the appropriate place, I also wished her luck in my heart.


Later, it was time for a family dinner. The rest of us in the house gathered together in the dinning room, eating.

It was peaceful and quiet. George is always used to eating and getting busy with his phone at the same time. He has always been like that and am used to it.

I remember the first time we started dating and I never knew it was his habit. I became jealous, thinking he was flirting and chatting with another woman but when I came to realize….it has nothing to do with feminine.

In fact, it wasn't a chat. It was all about live soccer and football matches.

He was so engrossed in it that he didn't even notice when grandpa asked him a particular question twice.

I poke his arm and he startled immediately like a child caught doing something negative.

"Grandpa just asked you who is older amongst you and Greg." I whispered.

"Oh…." He puts his phone away and focused. Everyone was already waiting for him to answer and their eyes were planted on him. "Am older than Greg with just two minutes."

"Two minutes?!" Trey and Sasha's Mom, Aunt Mirabelle, exclaimed.

"Wow! No wonder you two look so much alike. One might easily mistake him from you and you from him." Mom added.

George chuckled and shook his head. "Not really. The difference is clear."

"How?" Dad is curious. He dropped his fork and clasped his fingers because he was finding the discussion enticing.

"Well…." George scratched his head. At that moment, I knew my family were already stressing him. "We may have similarities but if you look closely you'll see that we're still very different." When nobody said anything and kept staring at him like space, he sat upright and continued. "Okay, for example. I don't have tattoos but Greg surely has one boldly sketch at the right side of his chest down to his waist."

Really? Though I've never seen that guy go shirtless but if it appears that Nadia succeeded in sleeping with him tonight, she'll definitely share the story with me.

"Whoa…" Trey's eyes grew enormously. He grinned and crossed his arms. "Do you mind telling me the type of design? Sorry, am a fan but my parents won't just let me have one."

"Silly boy, that is shameful." Aunt Mirabelle scolded her son.

"Come on, Mom. Guys in my class have bunch of it all over them. Is like a symbol of power, strength and might. Thin guys fear guys with tattoos."

"And do you know that having a tattoo on your body means losing a lot of blood?"

"That's for the first day, Mom." He mumbled.

"And you'd look skinny." Sasha blurted in.

"Puff," He stick his tongue out at her and pointed at George briefly. "Does his brother looks skinny to you?"

"Well that's because the guy goes to the gym everyday. Duh uh." She tilts her neck dramatically. "Unlike you, a jackass who plays basketball to get fit yet, still get beaten by bullies."

Everyone busted into laughter, causing Trey's expression to turn blue. The guy suddenly felt bad by his sister mocking him. But just then, one person jumped into his rescue.

"No." George objected and the amusement died down at once. All eyes on him. "I once participated in a basketball club during highschool and college. It taught me so many things about athletics. I wanted to make it my dream job but my parents were strictly against it. I had bullies who mocked at me and stomp on my way after school hours. Some waited for me at the basketball court….."

I place my chin on my hand with a slight smile as I listen to his old school days story.

"So one day, my brother and I went out to practice together during the weekend in the school court. My bullies came to bother me. My brother has always been the one standing for me but that day I said, I want to stand up for myself. So I let them say whatever they wanted and when they were done talking, I told them one thing and that thing made them stop bothering me from that day henceforth."

We were so curious and dieing to know.

"What did you tell them, uncle?" Trey asked.

George cleared his throat and said, "I told them to 'Imagine if someone just said or did exactly what they just did to someone they really love and care about, how would they feel?" He shrugged. "And that was it."

"It worked?" Trey asked hopefully.

"Of course it worked." George nodded. "Just learn to spill out your guts sometimes. There are some people who needs to be put in place."

Uh huh. That's the spirit. I didn't miss the pride showing on Trey's face now. Is like he was waiting for tomorrow so he could teach those thugs a good lesson.

After dinner, everyone settled in the living room, watching PG movie as usual. Then Corey felt sleepy, George took him to my room. I was getting bored of the movie, so I followed him from behind and together we called it a night.

But when I realize that Nadia wasn't back yet, I woke up, worried that something might have happened to her. Or maybe she was in the middle of something with Greg – who knows?

I quickly tap George, he was far asleep but managed to got up after several slaps I gave him on his shoulder.

His eyes still deep for sleeping when he asked what the matter was. Then I brought Nadia absence to him and he cursed 'Shit' and reached for his phone.

I first of all wonder if he forgot that she was with his brother. But it was late – 10:13pm and she wasn't home yet.

Her parents asked about her a while ago when they saw me going to check her room – that was when the movie finished and they were going to bed. But then, I told her that she went for night vigil.

Oh. Me? A bad liar.

After several rings, she didn't pick my calls. George was calling Greg's phone and pacing about in the room. Busy waiting for him to pick up from the other side.

And when he answered... the next thing George and I heard was ...

"Hey, listen. Be rest assured that she's in my house and she's safe. Things got twisted, she got drunk after two glasses of white wine and then she started stripping until nothing was left on her body and now am trying to focus and cover her nudes. So tomorrow, I'll bring her when her condition is neutral. Goodnight."

He hung up and George and I looked at each other as if what we had heard was a result of network error.

But before he hung up, we are sure that we heard Nadia moaning in the background.

Before I say anything, George quickly defended his brother, "Hey, come on, don't give me that look. Greg is not like that, okay? I know he chases after skirts but believe me, he would not touch her without her consent."

"Consent?" I could only whisper from the shock. "George, she is drunk and might probably demand for something. Who knows? Maybe his body or sex. Besides, she was moaning in the ..."

"You ladies usually moan and wail whenever you're drunk. It's normal." He interrupted before I even landed.


"Just come to bed." He took me with him to the bed and made me lie down. Then, he went to his side and lay down too. "It's very late. You need to rest after the stress of the day, so sleep."

Is he for real? He pretends to be sleeping but I can still see his eyelashes waving and as for me, I can't even wink into a nap right now. Knowing that Nadia was in Greg's house and she was drunk and naked.

Anything can happen.