WebNovelA Rare Gem100.00%

Chapter 18


Five days interval....

"You're getting too excited over this date." Mom said when she walked into my room with Corey and saw me picking up a dress.

The truth is….am getting cold feet and very nervous to meet George's grandfather for the first time.

God help me. How do I introduce myself to him?

Okay, maybe like this…? Hi, Mr. Stewart, it's a pleasure to meet you for the first time. I am Diamond Miller, George's ex-wife?

Gross. Not a nice gesture at all.

Even though, George told me he has divorced Melissa, am still not comfortable about the situation. Am happy but still scared to move into his life officially.

I push aside the number of gowns and tops in my wardrobe. "It's not a date, mom. He's just taking me home to meet his grandfather."

"At night?" She chuckled softly.

"Hmph." I turn around and place my hands on my hips. "There's no biggie, besides, it's Corey's fourth birthday and he said to make it special with his grandfather and us." I squatted down and composed my son's button up properly.

"Okayyyy." She said and helped me fish out a red cocktail dress. "Are you sure Nadia didn't left this house few minutes ago to the same place you're going?"

"Nadia said she has a different occasion she didn't talk about." I took the dress from her and fit into it. "She'll probably tell me how it went tomorrow morning." I styled my hair and added a little touch of makeup for the first time in months and a red lipstick.

"Oh, I think his chauffeur is here." Mom said.

And immediately, I carried Corey and grabbed my red purse before leaving. "See you later, Mom."

"Careful, honey. Don't forget to bring a piece of Corey's cake for me."



The car parked in front of a penthouse. I imagine if this was George's or his grandfather.

I knew how fucking rich the Stewart' are. They can buy this country if they wanted to. They're the baddest tycoon in the whole of America.

I've never been here before, so I acknowledge this must belong to his grandpa.


The man is super wealthy to have such a marvelous house. This building surely cost a fortune. It can even buy me and keep some change.

A guard came around and helped me with the door. I wonder why George didn't come to pick us himself.

Usually on weekends or any midterm days, he used to drive us around the town by himself but earlier today, he didn't show up and it was his guard that drove us and paid for all the fun items Corey had today in the park.

Although, I was curious and I asked him, but the guy didn't say a thing to me other than nod his head like a lizard.

I reached for Corey when I got out of the car. My boy obviously thought I was gonna leave him alone in the car.

You need to see the anxious look on his face.

I held my son's hand as we stood in front of the magnificent house in front of us with a red long carpet that guides a way to the door.

Part of the walls are made of glass while the rest are painted white. This is just the exterior part of the house. I wonder how the inside would look like.

Moreover, the house is only planted on a far middle ground in the big estate.

Did Mr. Stewart lived in this big house all by himself? In an estate that has about three massive iron gates before you reach the main compound.

There are fountains located at almost every corner and middle part of the premises. Beautiful flowerpots and Bermuda grass kiss the elegant appearance in the surroundings.

If I live here, on a very good day, I'd sleep on the Bermuda grass than on my bed. In our house, we can't keep a Bermuda grass because our lands are almost occupied with plants and crops.

I felt my son tighten his grasp around my fingers like he was frightened to go into the house.

"It's okay, Corey." I whisper to him. "This is your grandfather's house. Do you want to meet him?"

He shook his head vigorously, one of his finger at the side of his mouth like he's not done contemplating.

"This way, ma'am." An old man gesture us to the door. I saw on his nameplate 'Butler. Jaymes.'

I carefully followed him with my son walking softly alongside with me.

A massive brown door tall to the ceiling was opened for us by another old butler, I didn't bother looking at his nameplate. He smiled at me and I smiled back as I walk in with Corey.

Corey kept clinging on my hand when we pass through the foyer to another place. I assume the silence in the atmosphere, arts and little statues on the wall makes his scared.

They're all strange to him, he hasn't seen anything that has to do with art in real life. Except on TV.

We took an elevator that dropped us at another floor.

"That door leads to the main part of the house." The butler said, after pointing towards a door far in the hallway.

I nod with a smile. "Thank you." And he left.

The hallway was quiet and calm as we walk through. It was like no living soul had lived here and the mere thought of that frighten me.

I wish the butler had not left, I'd have asked him to escort us to the door.

When I got to the door, I took a deep breath as if am ready for an interview.

My palm were turning cold as I gather the urge of pushing the door.

Normally, it's supposed to be the other way round.

I mean...George with me and him introducing me to his grandpa. Now, just imagine what I'd say if I meet his grandfather first before him?

I haven't even cram the lines I'd use if I meet the old man.

Okay. Here it comes. Here I go.

On count of three….

One ..... two ..... three –

I pushed the door open with a small push and what greeted Corey and I was nothing but thick darkness.

Corey tighten his grasp around my finger and when I look down at him, he shook his head.

I knew better that he didn't want to continue this journey.

"It's okay." I smile to him. I think something is fishy here. I've seen things happen this way in the movies and I've read in books too.

Especially the moment where the butler left us alone to walk ourselves to this place.

Something is really suspicious here.

I moved one foot and Corey resisted.

"Honey, trust me, everything is fine. Mommy is here, fear no more. Okay? Come on, now. Let's go in." I say to him and he cling to me as we entered.

I have no idea what we're standing on. But I felt it to be a tiled ground. So I stopped and the door shut behind us.

I waited for about five minutes and there was no sign of anything but pin-drop silence.

"Hello?" I almost called out in a shout. But my voice didn't echo. I think the room is filled with something. "Anybody here? Please turn on the light, I can't see a thing here. Hello? Hello?"

Still no response for an additional five minutes.

I got tired and wanted to leave. But just when I lifted one foot to turn over....


"Ah!" I screamed when the lights turned on and a number of people I barely know how many, greeted me with smiling faces.

My heart almost exploded from my chest as I held onto my chest. My eyes went around. The whole place is decorated in a grand style and the interior designs are the best I've ever seen for life.

I used to think that George's house was the greatest of perfection but this one is one big killer of exquisiteness.

There was a little champagne fountain at a corner, Bosco sticks lit up, a beautiful cake designed in red and white, a big golden Chandelier planted at the high top of the ceiling and there was a four corner square part in the ceiling where another square was made in the inner part of the big square. I saw change of lights coming from the four corners. But I can't see the bulbs or the source of the light.

That is marvelous. I've never seen such.

"Daddy!" Corey left my hand and jumped to meet someone.

My eyes followed where he was going. It turns out that it was the same coward I was waiting to see all day.

Was he actually doing this since morning and I was just there thinking he was ignoring me?

He squatted down and pulled Corey into his embrace. "Hey, big guy! Happy birthday."

Just then, my eyes flicked on Nadia, drinking wine from a flute glass and laughing with Gregory in a corner.

I thought I was seeing double. I blinked and wipe my eyes but she was still there. She didn't tell me this was where she was going, how could she be secretive for the first time and still...

Wave her filthy hand at me!

I didn't wave back because am still in shock.

"Hi. You must be...Diamond, am I right?"

An old man – should be in his late seventies, approached me with a handshake.

I assume him to be...

"Yes and you must be Mr. Stewart. George's grandfather."

His grin widens to his ears. "I see my grandson has warned you about me." He chuckled. "Please call me Thomas."

I noticed he has the same way of smiling and laughing just like George and Gregory. Now I know where they got their attitudes from.

"Come on, grandpa. What are you telling her?" George chimed in.

"Ah, this must be my great-grandson." Thomas Stewart carried Corey from George. "Happy fourth birthday, man." He adjusted his glasses and grinned and Corey just stare at him intently.

I was taken off guard when everyone gasped and faced my direction. I furrowed a bit until I look down and saw George holding a little red velvet box that contains a rare shining gem at me.

For a moment, I was numb. My heart skipped a beat.

And there, he went....

"Diamond Miller, I know you as a softhearted person unable to process a situation for too long so….."

"Just say the damn thing, idiot!" Greg whooped from a corner. I notice his arm on Nadia's shoulders as she drinks wine.

"Okay." He heaved out a deep breath and continued. "Diamond Miller.....you are as rare as your name and I can't afford you, my priceless gem. I want to have you back in my life for the rest of my days till I die. Please...marry me again."

Without thinking twice, I nod my head vigorously and laid out my finger to him. "Yes, I'll marry you."

"Woohoo!" Greg whooped and the men started popping champagne. Some ran to the champagne fountain to fill their glass up with alcoholic wines.

After he inserted the ring on my finger, he stood up to kiss me but then, my eyes flicked on my family members at a corner, drinking wine and eating appetizers.

I place my hand on his chest and turn my head towards the direction of my family members, but they didn't see me apart from Dad who waved at me with a bright smile I've never seen on his face before.

Has he officially handed me to George for marriage?

"What is it?" George asked and followed my gaze. "Oh, I invited them. We planned it together."

Even Mom? She was dancing to the music in the background. We were together in my room, she even helped me fish out my dress but she never uttered a thing about this surprise package to me.

Besides, I left the house before her, so where did she come from?

"This is too much for just a four year old birthday bash." I sighed when I turn to him.

His brows furrowed slightly and he said, "Who said this was just a four year old birthday party? It's a combination of our engagement party and….." He squatted down a bit and kissed my stomach. "For the coming of our second baby."

"Wait a sec." I'm confused. "How did you know am preg…." I stopped when I remember that there are only two persons who would have told him about the pregnancy.

He stood up and stole a kiss on my lips, "Don't get your mood twisted." He tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Your mom told me about it. I understand you wanted it to be a surprise but…I found out differently."

I was about to say something but just then, I swallowed my words when I recognize the two people approaching us.

I pulled away from George's embrace but he held my hand tight, forcing me to stay.

"Please." He said in a low tone.

"I can't." I stated firmly in a whisper. "You told me I was going to meet your grandpa and then this surprise and now, you invited your parents to humiliate me again? George, I can't live under this same roof with them. Get me and Corey and my family out of this place, this minute!"

"It's not what you think, okay?" He whispered back, pleading. "They've come to apologize and not to do you or your family any harm."


"Hi, Diamond." Catelyn Stewart the witch smiled at me. Before I could think of what to do or say, she pulled me into a warm hug. And we stayed like that for a moment. "Am deeply sorry for everything, I promise to be nice to you and my grandkids."

I narrowed my eyes at George but he just nod at me softly.

After contemplating for a while, I wrap my arms around her and my eyes landed at the old man standing few metres away.

John Stewart.

He smiled at me. His smiles broaden when he came closer and gave me a hug too.


I was pressed and needed to use the bathroom urgently after eating and drinking so much.

But just when I got to the first female bathroom door, I heard someone moaning and another person growling from the inside.

I don't know what triggered me to go have a look and when I did, my eyes bugged open.

It was Nadia and Gregory having sex in the bathroom.

I almost puke. I remember what brought me there. I quickly ran into the other door.

When I came out and wash my hands in the sink, the first door opened.

"Ah, Diamond. What are you doing there?" Nadia let out an awkward chuckle, shocked when she saw me.

I smirk. "What does one come to do in this side of the house if not to use the bathroom?" I turned off the faucet and faced her.

Damn she was sweating like someone who just had a shower.

She was having this guilty and uneasiness look on her face. Just then, Gregory came out, buckling his belt and zipping his pants.

"Jesus!" He startled after seeing me. "Where did your sister come from, honey?"

"Honey?" My brows rose and I shifted my gaze from him to Nadia. "Are you two dating?"

She scratched the back of her neck and kept quiet.


Is obvious they are a thing.


It turns out that Nadia and I happen to have our wedding ceremony the same day four weeks after.

Then, I was just a month pregnant and Nadia was a week pregnant.

It was like a dream in reality.

Me in my white mermaid wedding gown and Nadia in her ball wedding gown.

Someone would think we were going to marry one man.

We stood in front of the altar where the archbishop was after our fathers had left us with the men we were going to marry.

I stood right in front of George, while Nadia with Gregory. The two brothers dressed in the same white suit.

We were almost back-facing each other as we face our husbands.

We said 'I do' Before the holy altar and the archbishop blessed us.

George was so fast to capture my lips into his mouth. He couldn't even wait for the archbishop to say, "Kiss your bride.'

Everyone stood up and clapped for us, cheering and whooping as we became pronounced as husbands and wives.

Mom blew flying kisses to me. She carried Corey and together they both waved their hands at us.

I chuckled and placed my head on George's chest while he wrap his arm around me and kissed the top of my head.

Few months later, George and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl. Blonde like me. She was chubby like my old self. It wasn't easy after four hours labor.

George and I decided to name her Coral because she has sea green eyes.

Not up to a month after we welcomed Coral into the world, Nadia delivered a beautiful set of twins. A boy and a girl. White as snow. Both light brown hair and ocean blue eyes.

She and her husband, Gregory, decide to name the boy, Earl and the girl, Pearl.

Earl was just four minutes older than his twin sister, Pearl.

And together, the Stewart family and the Miller family remained united in love, peace and harmony.



When am in love, am mad.

When am in love, am stupid.

When am in love, am happy.

When am in love, I love.

When am in love, I feel remoted

When am in love, my heart controls and takes over

No doubts.

When am in love, I don't listen to talkers

Love decides me. It leads me.

It blends me. It steals me.

And then, am changed.

Am different. My life too.

Am renewed. Can't focus.

Can't think normal.

Love baptize and re-baptize you everyday when you find the rightful person that make you go crazy.

It keeps eating up your heart and your mind every single minute and its never full.

Love is Savage. True love is rare.

I am a rare gem 💎.

_Winona Aurora 💕 😘.