Battle Royale (4)

Event Arena, Outside of the City...

"Ah, looks like the crowd is jubilant as ever", said the speaker host, beginning one of the greatest events of humankind.

"Esteemed Royals and nobles, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Grand Tournament".

The people cheered and clapped.

"It was always, my pleasure to be the speaker and host of this great event. Many of you would already know the rules and regulations of the event, and we ask the spectators and participants to kindly follow the rules or be expelled from the event. Further punishments may even be placed on the instigators of any kind".

"Let's enjoy and lets other enjoy the event".

"Before we start, this time we have special guests who will be watching the event. They are no other than the representatives from the Dwarf and Gnome nations. They already promised that if the participants were able to capture them, there would be some surprises waiting for them".